Inagi City

About notification cards

Last updated: June 19, 2020

What is a notification card?

A notification card is a paper card that notifies you of your 12-digit Individual Number (My Number).

The notification card is used as a document to prove your My Number when you are asked to present your My Number for procedures such as social security and tax procedures.

Note: You can use it as a document to prove your My Number only if the information on the notification card (address, name, etc.) matches the resident record.

Note: This card also has your name, address, date of birth, and gender listed, but it does not have a photo of your face, so it cannot be used as an identification card.

The design of the card is as follows.

Image Notification card (sample)
Notification card (sample)

Notification card system has been abolished (notification card can no longer be changed or reissued)

Because system of notice card was abolished by law revision, after May 25, 2020, we were not able to change mentions (address, full name) of notice card and reissue.

In addition, even if the notification card system is abolished, if the information on the notification card (address, name, etc.) matches the resident record, it can still be used as a document to prove your Individual Number.

In addition, even after the notification card is abolished, you can still apply for a My Number Card.

My number confirmation method after notification card abolition

1. My Number (Individual Number) Card Please refer to the "My Number Card (Individual Number Card)" page for information on how to obtain it.

2. "Copy of resident's card" or "certificate of registered items in resident's card" with My Number
Please refer to the "Certificate of Residence" page for how to obtain it.

3. Notification card (limited to those whose information such as address and name on the notification card matches the resident record)

About the notification method for those who are assigned My Number for the first time (those who have lived overseas, those who were born, etc.)

For those who are assigned My Number for the first time, they will be notified of their My Number by means of an "Individual Number Notification".
For details, please refer to "Individual Number Notice" .

Note: This notification is to notify you of your My Number and cannot be used as a confirmation document for your My Number or as an identification document.
Also, it cannot be reissued.
If you need a document that proves your My Number, please obtain a My Number card or a copy of your resident card or a certificate of registered items in your resident card.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Citizens Division, Citizens Division Phone: 042-378-2111