Inagi City

About personal number notification

Last updated: June 16, 2020

What is an individual number notification?

An individual number notification is a notification of your 12-digit individual number (my number).
The document contains your name, date of birth, My Number (personal number), etc.
Your Individual Number Notice will be sent to you by simple registered mail within 2 to 3 weeks after being registered in your resident record.

Note: Due to the revision of the law, notification cards have been abolished, so those who acquire My Number after May 25, 2020 (those who have lived overseas or were born on or after the same day, etc.) We inform you of your My Number by sending you an “Individual Number Notification”.

It will not be sent to those who have already been assigned My Number.

Notes on personal number notification

Documents proving my number

The individual number notification cannot be used as a document to prove your My Number, so if you need a document to prove your My Number, please obtain one of the following.

1. My number card (personal number) card
Please refer to the "My Number Card (Individual Number Card)" page for how to obtain it.

 Information on applying for a My Number Card is also included in the Individual Number Notice. You can also apply for a My Number Card using the QR code on the Individual Number Notification or the "Individual Number Card Issuance Application Form" enclosed with the Individual Number Notification using a smartphone or by mail.

2. "Copy of resident's card" or "certificate of registered items in resident's card" with My Number Card
For information on how to obtain a certificate, please refer to the "Certificate of Residence" page.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Citizens Division, Citizens Division Phone: 042-378-2111