Inagi City

Social Security/Tax Number System (My Number System)

Last updated: June 17, 2020

Social Security/Tax Number System (My Number System)

Image Mina-chan

The My Number system is a social infrastructure that streamlines administration, enhances convenience for citizens, and realizes a fair and just society.
All people who have a resident card will be assigned a personal number (My Number) to efficiently manage information in the fields of social security, taxation, and disaster countermeasures, and collect personal information that exists in multiple institutions. is used to confirm that it is the same person's information.

About Individual Number (My Number)

Advantages of introducing the My Number system

(1) Improved convenience for citizens It becomes easier to confirm that information that exists in multiple institutions belongs to the same person, which reduces the burden on applicants by reducing the number of attached documents in administrative procedures.
(2) Improved administrative efficiency In the fields of social security, taxes, disasters, etc., the work of checking and inputting information at national and local governments will be reduced, leading to more efficient administrative operations.
(3) Realization of a fair and just society By making it easier to understand each person's income and receipt status of administrative services, it will prevent unfair evasion of burdens and unfair receipt of benefits, and will help people who are truly in need. We can provide detailed support to you.

My number is used in the following places

(1) Procedures for resident changes・When notifying resident changes at each municipal office,
Due to the change in the information on the back of the Individual Number Card, presentation of the card is required.
(2) Pension field・Used when acquiring and confirming pension qualifications and receiving benefits.
(3) It is used when obtaining and confirming qualifications in the labor field , employment insurance, etc., and when receiving benefits.
(4) Used for procedures such as collection of insurance premiums for welfare, medical care, other fields , medical insurance, etc.
・Used when receiving benefits in the welfare field.
・It will be used for receiving and confirming public assistance.
(5) Field of tax・Used for tax returns, notifications, investigations, etc.
(6) It will be used for administrative tasks related to disaster countermeasures and the creation of disaster victim ledgers.
・It will be used for the payment of livelihood reconstruction assistance to support victims.

Cards with Individual Numbers (My Numbers)

 For more information, please refer to the "My Number Card (Individual Number Card)" page.

 For details, please refer to the "Notification Card" page.

Information on the My Number System (multilingual)

Information about the My Number system by language.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Citizens Division, Citizens Division Phone: 042-378-2111