Inagi City

Let's check the movement of your body

Last updated: June 5, 2020

Due to the long-term self-restraint from going out, even if you think that you are fine, your body may be weaker than you thought.
Prevent falls and injuries by checking your body movements and understanding your weaknesses.
It only takes a few minutes. Please try it once.

Finger ring test (check muscle mass)

Image Finger ring test (check muscle mass)

People with gaps are at high risk of sarcopenia (a phenomenon in which muscles weaken with age). Be careful not to fall or break a bone.

shoulder range of motion (1)

Image Shoulder range of motion (1)

Make sure it's pain free.

shoulder range of motion (2)

Image Shoulder range of motion (2)

Make sure it's pain free.

range of motion of the foot

Image Foot range of motion

Created from physical strength measurement items for simple self-check by Inagi City Voluntary Fall and Fracture Prevention Group

leg strength

image leg strength


image balance

Record your measurements

Record the results of your measurements in a table so that you can check the changes later.
By getting into the habit of checking your body movements, you will be more motivated to exercise. If you continue to do the exercise that I will introduce from now on, the effect will appear little by little.
Let's continue.

Image Record table

eleven check

Answer 11 questions to see if you have signs of frailty.

question Eleven check 11 items Answer
nutrition 1 Do you try to eat healthier meals than other people of the same age and sex? yes no
2 Do you eat both vegetable dishes and main dishes (meat or fish) at least twice a day? yes no
oral cavity 3 Can you chew through foods that are as hard as squid and pickled radish? yes no
4 Do you ever choke on tea or soup? no yes
motion 5 Have you been exercising at least 30 minutes per day, at least 2 days a week, for at least 1 year? yes no
6 Do you walk or perform equivalent physical activity for at least 1 hour a day in your daily life? yes no
7 Would you say that you walk faster than other people of the same age of your age? yes no
8 Are you going out less than last year? no yes
9 Do you eat with someone more than once a day? yes no
10 do you think you are full of energy yes no
11 Are you worried about forgetfulness first and foremost? no yes

Please note that questions 4, 8, and 11 have the "yes" and "no" reversed.
If there are many checks on the right side of the answer column, there is a possibility of frailty.
If you checked questions 3 and 4, you may have oral frailty.

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111