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About notification about scenery

Updated: April 9, 2018

landscape law

Please contact the Green Landscape Division, Urban Development Policy Department, Bureau of Urban Development, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Contact information

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Urban Development Urban Development Policy Department Green Landscape Division Tel: 03-5388-3265 (direct)

Tokyo Landscape Plan/Tokyo Landscape Ordinance

Inagi City is divided into “basic hilly landscape axis” and “general area”.
If you conduct an act of a certain scale or more, you will need to notify the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
For details, please contact the Green Landscape Division, Urban Development Policy Department, Bureau of Urban Development, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Contact information

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Urban Development Urban Development Policy Department Green Landscape Division Tel: 03-5388-3265 (direct)

Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines

Inagi City has established color rules (hue, brightness, and saturation) according to the scale of six regions/districts and buildings.
Please check the " Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines " when constructing, expanding, building, rebuilding, or repainting the roof or exterior walls of buildings.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Town Development Planning Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-378-9719

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Inagi city official mascot Nashinosuke Inagi
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
Copyright (C) Inagi City. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C)K.Okawara・Jet Inoue. All rights reserved.
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