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Fifth Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Plan Mayor's Greetings/General Comments (Text)

Last updated: March 13, 2021

We will publish the text of the Mayor's Greetings and General Discussion section at the beginning of the booklet of the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan for Inagi City.
For booklet data including the basic plan, please see the 5th Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Plan page.

Note: Some notations have been changed to support voice reading functions, etc.

"Together we create smiles and a future"

The town of Inagi will celebrate its 130th anniversary in 2019 since 1889, when six villages merged to form Inagi Village, and in November 2021, it will become a city for 50 years. We will be celebrating a milestone year, our anniversary.
To date, Inagi City has been working on urban infrastructure improvements such as land readjustment projects and Tama New Town development while taking advantage of the rich natural environment based on a four-stage long-term comprehensive plan. We have worked to improve citizen services by responding flexibly to projects. Even as Japan's total population continues to decline after peaking in 2008, the population of Inagi City is expected to increase as a result of these efforts. The city has been rated as one of the cities where people can live happily.

The Local Autonomy Act requires that the basic concept, which is the basic idea of ​​a long-term comprehensive plan, be formulated after approval by the city council. Although this obligation was abolished by the revision of the Local Autonomy Act in 2011, by enacting the Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Planning Ordinance, the formulation of long-term comprehensive plans has been clearly positioned, and public participation in the resolution and formulation of basic plans has been established. has also been established.
A large number of citizens participated in the formulation of the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan for Inagi City. Including the "Citizens' Conference to Describe Inagi in 2030" established through public recruitment, district-based conferences in all 10 districts of the city, group-specific conferences with 13 groups, and a citizen awareness survey conducted with random selection. In addition to soliciting proposals for 2030, we also solicited citizen opinions on the basic concept draft and master plan draft in accordance with the progress of plan formulation.
At the ``Citizens' Conference to Picture Inagi in 2030,'' we conducted a ``Everyone's Inagi 2030 Survey'' targeting elementary and junior high school students, and a very passionate discussion took place based on the opinions of over 4,000 children. Ta. The direction this city should aim for is summarized in three major pillars: ``A city where the power of citizens plays an active role,'' ``A city where the community thrives,'' and ``A city that is moderately rural and moderately urban.'' We received such wonderful suggestions.
The Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Planning Council, which was established in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance, has members who are publicly recruited from the public and members who have specialized knowledge in various fields, taking into consideration the recommendations of the ``Citizens' Council to Envision Inagi in 2030,'' from a multifaceted perspective. We discussed the basic concept draft and reported the results.
In this way, the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan for Inagi City continues the vision of "Inagi, a town of citizens surrounded by greenery and filled with friendship," which has remained unchanged since the first long-term comprehensive plan as a future city image, while aiming to achieve a goal of 2030s. With our eyes on the future, we have added ``Smiles and a future that we can all create together.'' In order to achieve this, we have established five basic goals for town development, and the three most important basic perspectives are "a town where the power of citizens can be utilized," "SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)," and "2030 as the midpoint." I am listing one.
In the future, I would like to create a city where the power of citizens working with this "civic pride" and the desire to get involved in the town they live in and work to improve it is so strong that the citizens can continue to settle in the town as generations change. Aiming to become a city that is both rural and moderately urban, we will promote the 5th Long-term Comprehensive Plan for Inagi City, which was created with the collective efforts of the citizens, in order to promote sustainable town development.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all the participants of the "Citizens' Conference to Picture Inagi in 2030," those who participated in the district and group meetings, and the children who provided various opinions including responses to the questionnaire.・We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the students, citizens, Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Planning Council members, Inagi City Council, and everyone involved in the formulation of this plan for their understanding and cooperation.

March 2021 Mayor of Inagi Katsuhiro Takahashi

General discussion

1 About the plan

(1) Basis and positioning of the plan

This plan is based on Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Planning Ordinance (Inagi City Ordinance No. 14 of 2018).
In addition, Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the same ordinance stipulates that the plan shall be the city's highest level plan.

(2) Name of the plan

The name of this plan is the "Fifth Long-term Comprehensive Plan for Inagi City."

(3) Structure and period of the plan

The long-term comprehensive plan will have a three-layer structure: "Basic Concept," "Basic Plan," and "Implementation Plan."
1 Basic Concept The basic concept will last approximately 10 years until the early 2030s.
2 Basic Plan The period of the Basic Plan is 10 years from FY2021 to FY2030.
3 Implementation Plan The implementation plan is divided into the first half and the second half, with the first half implementation plan period being five years from 2021 (Reiwa 3) and the second half implementation plan period being five years starting from FY 2026 (Reiwa 8). Masu.

2. Trends of the Times

Japan is facing an unprecedented crisis of rapid population decline and aging due to the declining birthrate towards around 2040.
As the population continues to decline and uncertainty increases in the environment surrounding our country, Inagi City must take appropriate measures to respond to the issues that arise, taking into account the trends of the times, in order to continue to provide resident services in a sustainable and stable manner. We need to respond to this. It is also essential to respond to large-scale disasters and unknown crises that may occur in the future.
As Inagi City continues into the future, we must properly foresee what kind of era it will be in in 2030.

(1) Population decline and declining birthrate and aging population

The number of births in Japan fell below 1 million in 2016, and is expected to decline to 750,000 by 2030.
In 2030, the number of young people in their 20s to 30s is expected to decrease by about 20% compared to 2015, and the decline in the working-age population will accelerate. . On the other hand, the number of elderly people aged 75 and over will increase by 40%, and the population will continue to age rapidly.
Even in Tokyo, where population concentration is pointed out, the population is said to start declining after peaking in 2025.In Inagi City, the number of people raising children is increasing due to urban infrastructure improvements such as land readjustment projects. It is expected that the population will continue to increase, mainly in Japan, and that the declining birthrate and aging of the population will proceed relatively slowly. While recognizing the city's unique population structure, it is necessary to pay close attention to changes in social conditions that may affect city administration, such as a nationwide population decline and a decline in the working-age population caused by a declining birthrate and aging population. .

(2) Aging infrastructure, etc.

Nationally, by 2030, much of the infrastructure will be over 50 years old, and as infrastructure and public facilities continue to age, it is expected that maintenance and management will be costly. Infrastructure and public facilities that were developed all at once during the period of high economic growth with the assumption of population growth may become less necessary or may not be as effective as originally expected in an era of population decline. . Therefore, when renewing the system, it will be necessary to review the system nationwide, including the service supply system, to make it more in line with the era of population decline.
In Inagi City, too, the financial burden associated with maintenance and renewal of aging infrastructure and public facilities is an issue. Unlike the national decreasing trend, Inagi City's population is expected to increase for the time being, but it is necessary to consider the future when updating infrastructure.

(3) Possibility of large-scale disasters occurring

The probability of an earthquake directly hitting the capital (M7 class) or a Nankai Trough earthquake (class M8 to 9) occurring within 30 years is approximately 70%, and the scale of damage in both cases is expected to exceed that of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
In addition, it is expected that the occurrence of localized heavy rain will increase due to abnormal weather caused by global warming, and the risk of river flooding and landslides will increase.
In Inagi City, the Tama Inland Earthquake (M7.3), which is expected to cause the most damage from earthquake disasters, caused over 1,000 casualties, over 16,000 evacuees, and damage to approximately 2,800 buildings in the city. expected to occur.
Regarding flood damage, Inagi City has an abundance of water, including the Tama River that flows on the north side of the city, the Misawa River that flows through the center, the Daimaru Canal that spreads out in a mesh pattern throughout the city, and the Daimaru Yato River and Aso River that originate from the hills. Although the environment is good, there is also a high risk of water damage during heavy rains.
We must prepare appropriately for these anticipated disasters in advance. Furthermore, it is necessary to prepare a system that can respond to unknown crises that may occur in the future, such as the global threat caused by the new coronavirus infection that occurred in 2020.

(4) Realizing Society 5.0

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Society 5.0, which the country is aiming for through technological innovations that occur through the use of IoT, AI, etc., aims for economic development and the resolution of social issues by incorporating these technologies into industry and social life. A society that balances both.
It will become possible to provide more satisfying services that meet the diverse needs of individuals, and is expected to improve the convenience and quality of life. It is also expected to affect Japan's international competitiveness and have a major impact on the domestic industrial and employment structure.
The realization of Society 5.0 will become the foundation of citizens' lives in Inagi City, and the government needs to improve services in line with the times while keeping in mind the effective use of technology. there is.

(5) Expansion of a mutual assistance society

The rapid progress of population decline, declining birthrate, and aging of the population is creating a variety of issues nationwide, including stagnant economic activity due to severe fiscal conditions and a shrinking consumer market, serious labor shortages, and shrinking public transportation networks. . As the issues in each region become more diverse and complex, it is expected that it will become difficult for governments alone to deal with them.
Under these circumstances, with the expansion of side jobs and the social participation of the elderly, local communities and various civic activities are expanding, and a society in which people play a role in supporting local communities, helping and supporting each other, and solving problems is being created. This is expected to continue to expand.
Inagi City has been promoting collaborative city development in which citizens and the government respect each other's positions and collaborate and cooperate while leveraging their respective characteristics.In the future, everyone will be able to play an active role in the community in various forms and methods. We need to promote urban development where people can have opportunities and places.

3 Toward the formulation of a new long-term comprehensive plan

Since formulating the "Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Plan" in 1975, Inagi City has developed into a city that can be proud of being a comfortable place to live by formulating four long-term comprehensive plans and proceeding with systematic town development. Ta. Even in the Fifth Plan, by formulating a long-term and comprehensive plan that captures the trends of the times, we will clarify the future vision of the city and promote stable and planned urban development.
The environment surrounding local governments is changing rapidly, and in order to continue to develop sustainably in a situation that is expected to continue to be difficult, it is necessary to proceed with town development that is appropriate for Inagi City, taking into account the increasingly diverse and sophisticated needs of citizens. Must be.
In formulating the new long-term comprehensive plan, we are organizing it from the following perspectives.

(1) Citizen participation

Citizens' opinions and suggestions must be reflected in the city's long-term comprehensive plan, which sets out the city's 10-year urban development plan.
For this reason, we have created opportunities for all citizens, from children to the elderly, from all areas of the city, and from various organizations, to participate in the formulation of the plan.
We are striving to create a long-term comprehensive plan that reflects the vision of Inagi City in the 2030s as envisioned by citizens.

(2) Effective plan

In order to reliably implement the measures set out in the long-term comprehensive plan, it is necessary to have the support of financial resources.
For this reason, in order to realize the vision of Inagi City in the 2030s, we have carefully adjusted the fiscal framework, considered measures to be implemented, and created an effective long-term comprehensive plan.

(3) Relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In order to make it clear that the plan aims to create a sustainable city, icons related to the 17 goals of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), with a goal of 2030, are displayed in the outline of the measures. I am.

(4) Aspects of spatial planning

In order to make it easier to understand what kind of city Inagi City will be and how each measure is planned in the city area, we will display them on a map to incorporate the aspect of spatial planning into the long-term comprehensive plan. I have it.

(5) Setting goals that show results

In the long-term comprehensive plan, indicators are set and target figures are displayed in order to clearly show citizens what the goals of each measure are and to make it easier to understand the progress and results of the measures.

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Inagi City Planning Department Planning Policy Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo 206-8601
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
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