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To all of the Disabled Welfare Service Offices

Updated: April 27, 2020

About correspondence of obstacle welfare service office concerned with prevention of infection spread of new coronavirus infectious disease

Notifications have been issued by the national government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government regarding the response of welfare service offices for persons with disabilities related to the prevention of the spread of new coronavirus infections. We will inform you of the mindset of inagi city. For other details, please refer to the notice of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. In the future, if new policies, etc. are indicated by the national government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, they may be changed.
Note: The application period has changed, so please check the following.

If a user of a welfare service for persons with disabilities is absent from the office due to fear of being infected with the new coronavirus, the city will provide a basic remuneration if the same service as the service normally provided is provided by the following measures. I accept that it is subject to the calculation of
As before, daytime activity services from two or more establishments cannot be used on the same day.
In addition, since the user may be charged, it is necessary to carefully explain the content and method of support to parents and users in advance.

1 After-school day service and child development support

・We will carefully explain the content and method of support based on the individual support plan to the guardian in advance, and obtain the signature and seal of the guardian regarding the provision of the service.
・On the day of use of the user scheduled in advance, the business operator visits the user's home, makes a phone call, or otherwise informs the applicant of the absence of attendance related to the temporary closure of the school to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection. (1) Confirmation of the physical condition of the child and the family members who are in contact with the child and the school situation, etc., (2) Health management and consultation support of the child, etc. Provide support to the extent possible and record the content of the consultation and support.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.About correspondence such as day service offices such as after school in connection with temporary closure of school for prevention of new coronavirus infectious disease (external link)

Reference 1 "Response of after-school day service establishments, etc. in relation to temporary closure of schools to prevent new coronavirus infectious disease (Part 2)" (Tokyo Metropolitan Government welfare and health Bureau Disability Policy Promotion Department Administrative Contact)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health homepage (external link)

Registration date: March 6, 2020 Download "Response to after-school day service business related to temporary school closure to prevent new coronavirus infection" and fill out the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's original form Please take advantage of it.

2 Employment continuation/transition support office

・Provide a detailed explanation to the user in advance based on the support record with the following contents.
(1) Business operator information (location, business name, representative name, office number)
(2) Recipient information (name, recipient number, service type)
(3) Date of provision (4) Matters related to service provision
The administrative notice dated March 9, "Regarding the handling of continuous employment support offices in response to the new coronavirus (3rd report)" 0402001 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Social and Relief Bureau Disabled Health and Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division Notification "Requirements for support when using at home must be met. However, for E and F, it is not necessary to rely on visits or regular visits.
(5) Details and methods of support (specifically based on the requirements of (4))
(6) Signature and seal from the user regarding the provision of the above services

Link to external site Opens in a new window.About the handling of work continuation support business accompanied with correspondence to new coronavirus (external link)

Reference 2 "Handling of continuous employment support projects in response to the new coronavirus (third report)" (Administrative notice dated March 9, 2020, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Social and Relief Bureau, Disability Health and Welfare Division, Disability Welfare Division) )

3 Employment settlement support project

・Provide a detailed explanation to the user in advance based on the support record with the following contents.
(1) Business operator information (location, business name, representative name, office number)
(2) Recipient information (name, recipient number, service type)
(3) Date of provision (4) Reasons for which it is unavoidable to avoid face-to-face support for users (5) Details and methods of support (specifically)
(6) Signature and seal from the user regarding the provision of the above services

Link to external site Opens in a new window.About the handling of work continuation support business accompanied with correspondence to new coronavirus (external link)

Reference 2 "Handling of continuous employment support projects in response to the new coronavirus (third report)" (Administrative notice dated March 9, 2020, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Social and Relief Bureau, Disability Health and Welfare Division, Disability Welfare Division) )

4 Life care business

・Provide a detailed explanation to the user in advance about the content and method of support based on the individual support plan, and obtain the user's signature and seal regarding the provision of the service.
・On the day of use of the user scheduled in advance, the operator will visit the user's home, make a phone call, or otherwise (1) manage the physical condition and health of the user and their family members who are in contact with the user, ( 2) To provide consultation assistance and support to the extent possible such as providing home production activities for the user concerned, and to record the content of the consultation assistance.
Regarding the record format, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's own form notified to after-school day service offices, etc. "Additional addition for absences and basic remuneration for absences related to temporary school closures to prevent new coronavirus infectious diseases" Calculation” and prepare it according to this.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.About temporary handling such as staff standards of offices such as disability welfare services pertaining to new coronavirus infectious disease (external link)

Reference 3 “Temporary handling of personnel standards for welfare service establishments for persons with disabilities related to new coronavirus infectious disease (third report)” (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Welfare Department Disability Welfare Section Administrative Contact)

5 Mobility support business

・If it is unavoidable to refrain from going out, support at home etc. may be treated as transportation support. Please consult us in advance.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.About the handling of movement support office for new coronavirus infectious disease extended prevention (external link)

Reference 4 "Regarding the handling of movement support offices to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infectious diseases" dated March 13, 2020 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Social and Relief Bureau Social and Relief Bureau Planning Division Independence Support Promotion Office Administrative Notice)

6 Applicable period (changed)

For the time being from Monday, March 2, 2020. (However, regarding child development support, from March 28, 2020 (Saturday) for the time being.)

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
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