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[For businesses] Regarding recruitment of accepting organizations

Update date: February 28, 2024

We are always looking for organizations to accept nursing care support volunteers.

Specified requirements

  • Must be an activity at a facility or location within Inagi City.
  • The activity must be related to nursing care insurance business.
  • It is not a substitute for the work that should be done by home help services.
  • It must not be a substitute for the work that the place of business, etc. should be doing.
  • As a result of the activity, the activity should be expected to have a certain effect of preventive care for the volunteer himself/herself.

Facilities and offices that can be designated

The facilities and offices that can be designated as accepting organizations are as follows.

  • Facilities covered by nursing care insurance
  • Regional support project (nursing care prevention project) commissioned by Inagi City
  • Fureai Center
  • Senior citizen dinner parties, etc.

Target business

The activities currently targeted are: If you would like to request volunteers for an activity that is not covered, please contact City Hall.

  • Guidance and participation support for recreation, etc.
  • Assistance with serving tea, serving meals in the cafeteria, and serving meals
  • Operational assistance for cafes, etc.
  • Assistance with walks, outings, and movement within the facility
  • Assisting with events such as refreshment stands, setting up venues, assisting users in moving, performing arts shows, etc.
  • person to talk to
  • Minor and auxiliary activities performed with facility staff (e.g. mowing grass, sorting laundry, changing sheets, etc.)
  • Others (e.g. taking out trash from elderly households, etc.)

Note: Physical assistance and activities in the elderly home are not permitted.

Flow of acceptance

1. Submission of designation application form

Please submit the "Caregiving Support Volunteer Designation Application Form" to the Elderly Welfare Section, Elderly Welfare Division.

2. designation decision

Once the decision has been made, the City Hall will send you a "Nursing Care Support Volunteer Designation/Rejection Decision Notification" and a stamp.

3. Acceptance begins with advance adjustment

Volunteer recruitment is done at the Inagi City Council of Social Welfare. If there are people who wish to volunteer, after making arrangements, we will ask the host organization to provide tours and information on activities. After that, if volunteers wish to continue their activities, acceptance will officially begin.

Four. Stamp and date entry from activity

Volunteers use the ``No Worries About Health Notebook (Nursing Care Support Volunteer Notebook)''. After completing the activity, please stamp the notebook, write the date of the activity, and return it to the volunteer.
Note: Stamps are limited to 1 stamp per hour and 2 stamps per day.


Once a year, we conduct a survey and opinion exchange meeting for all host organizations. We will send you information when the time comes, so please cooperate with us.

Contact Information

(1) Matters related to registration and system content Elderly Welfare Section, Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111 (extension number 222)
(2) Regarding volunteer recruitment Inagi City Social Welfare Council Community Welfare Section (Volunteer Center)
Phone: 042-378-3800

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Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
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