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Revision of the Long-Term Care Insurance System in FY2024

Updated: July 10, 2024

This page provides information about the revisions to the long-term care insurance system in fiscal year 2024.
Notices and documents from the government are posted here.

Regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revisions

The following document is an overview of the revisions and lists the main calculation requirements, etc. For details, please refer to the relevant ministerial ordinances, notices, etc.
The services covered are listed at the top of each revision summary section (a ★ is indicated if similar measures are being taken for care prevention).

Full version

By service

(1) Home care support/care prevention support

(2) Home services

(3) Community-based services

(4) Facility services

Regarding the amendment of the Ministerial Ordinance on Standards and Notification on Remuneration for Long-Term Care Remuneration in FY2024 [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website]

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Revision of the Ministerial Ordinance on Standards and Notification on Remuneration for Nursing Care Remuneration

Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website]

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 1) (March 15, 2024)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 2) (March 19, 2024)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 3) (March 29, 2024)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 4) (April 18, 2024)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 5) (April 30, 2024)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 6) (May 17, 2024)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 7) (June 7, 2024)

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Q&A regarding the FY2024 nursing care fee revision (Vol. 8) (July 9, 2024)

Regarding revisions in the FY2021 nursing care fee revision, which ends the transitional period at the end of FY2025

Regarding the revision of nursing care fees in fiscal year 2021, the transitional measures for the following revisions were completed by the end of fiscal year 2023 (March 31, 2024). Please check again whether the operational standards, etc. are being met for the revisions in question and take any necessary measures.

  • Strengthening infectious disease countermeasures (all services)
  • Strengthening efforts for business continuity (all services)
  • Mandatory attendance at basic dementia care training (all services)
  • Promoting prevention of elder abuse (all services)
  • Strengthening oral hygiene management in facility-based services (facility-based services)
  • Enhancing nutritional care and management in facility services (facility services)
  • Strengthening of deductions when the office doctor does not provide medical treatment (home-visit rehabilitation)

Note: For details, please see the latest information on long-term care insurance below.

Related information

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Regarding revision of nursing care fees in FY2021 (Go to Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare homepage)

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Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City
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Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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