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A ceremony was held to conclude a special product reciprocal handling agreement with Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture.

Updated: September 26, 2018

On July 5, 2017 (Wednesday), a ceremony was held to conclude a special product reciprocal handling agreement with Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture.

Both cities deal in each other's special products, and have signed a "special product mutual handling agreement" with the aim of developing the economy and the tourism industry.
In the future, we plan to sell special products of Izumisano City at Inagi dispatch base pair terrace etc.

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Inagi City Industry, Culture and Sports Department Tourism Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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Inagi city official mascot Nashinosuke Inagi
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
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