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Introduction of business of Citizen's Charter Promotion Council

Update date: January 10, 2024

In order to widely disseminate the "Inagi Citizens' Charter", which was enacted to promote the development of a bright and livable city, each subcommittee carries out projects that make the most of its characteristics.
If you are interested in our activities, please join us.
We are always looking for people to participate in our awareness-raising activities.

Subcommittee activities

Environment Subcommittee

Act Air Co., Ltd. (Aikawa-cho, Aiko-gun, Kanagawa) provides the fertilizer for the athletic flower bed, which values ​​the sun and greenery and creates a town with the scent of the soil.

  • A lot of flowers campaign (May and November)

kindness subcommittee

A movement to create a livable city by helping each other with awareness as citizens

  • I ( ) Participation in the Inagi City Festival

Household subcommittee

Movement to create a town that cares for the elderly and children and nurtures the power of the young

  • Inagi Charter Promotion Day in Yomiuri Land


health subcommittee

A campaign to create a community where people can work with a smile while being physically and mentally healthy

  • Citizen contact walking meeting

Cultural Section

Movement to respect tradition, enhance culture, and create a city with a bright future

  • I ( ) Participation in the Inagi City Festival

Citizen's charter towns (internal link)

Training visit

Participated in the National Citizens Charter Campaign Promotion Conference held by the National Citizens Charter Movement Liaison Council

enlightenment activities

  • Awareness-raising activities to promote the Citizen's Charter
  • Implementation of city crime prevention patrols
  • Participated in the Inagi Peace Concert
  • Judging of the Inagi Peace Senryu Contest, etc.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Industry, Culture and Sports Department Citizen Collaboration Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-378-5677

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Inagi city official mascot Nashinosuke Inagi
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
Copyright (C) Inagi City. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C)K.Okawara・Jet Inoue. All rights reserved.
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