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Soccer exchange with elementary school students in Soma City

Updated: April 5, 2023

(Organizer: FC Hirao, Sponsor: Yomiuri Land Co., Ltd.)

From March 24th (Friday) to March 26th (Sunday), nine elementary school students from the soccer team Soma SC from friendship city Soma City in Fukushima Prefecture visited Inagi City to participate in the 35th FC Hirao Invitational Soccer Tournament. bottom. Inagi City and Soma City deepened exchanges as a result of support for areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and concluded a friendship city agreement in August 2015. In 2018, the members of FC Hirao visited Soma City as part of the city's friendship city exchange project and played a match. In the event of the Fukushima Prefecture Offshore Earthquake in March 2022, FC Hirao has deepened its bond year by year, such as carrying relief supplies to Soma City.

Image Children of Soma SC
Children of Soma SC

It was a rainy weekend, but the children from Soma SC first visited Yomiuriland with the children from FC Hirao, enjoyed Jewellumination together, and then washed off their sweat at Okanoyu. bottom. At the soccer tournament held at Inagi Nagamine Verdi Field on Sunday, he played in the rain with FC Hirao.

With Soma City, sports exchanges have been held not only with soccer, but also with the youth rubber baseball team. The city will continue to support exchanges so that children can visit each other's cities, come into contact with cultures cultivated in different histories and climates, and grow spiritually through relationships with new people. .

Image: Group photo at the Jewellumination venue
Children of FC Hirao and Soma SC meet at Yomiuri Land

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Inagi City Industry, Culture and Sports Department Citizen Collaboration Division / Sports Promotion Division
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Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-378-5677

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