Inagi City

Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines

Last updated: April 9, 2018

Background (how the Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines were created)

Characteristics of Inagi City and past initiatives

Inagi City is characterized by its rich natural environment, such as the lush Tama Hills and the Tama and Misawa Rivers, while the areas where town development is progressing through Tama New Town and land readjustment projects have unique characteristics. A unified townscape has been formed.
In Inagi City, in order to take advantage of this natural environment and preserve and create a good townscape through town development, Inagi City has established the ``Inagi City Landscape Basics'' based on the concept of ``a beautiful cityscape where the seasons come alive.'' The plan was formulated in March 1998. After that, based on this plan, we proceeded with landscape-related measures from various perspectives, such as promoting the undergrounding of electrical cables, creating "beautiful townscapes" using the district planning system, and designating conservation green areas. We have been working hard to create a landscape.

Recent situation

In recent years, residents' interest in urban landscapes has been increasing year by year due to the enforcement of the Landscape Law in 2004 and conflicts between neighboring residents regarding the color of buildings in other cities.
For this reason, in 2010, the city began formulating the Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines, which will serve as standards for building colors in order to maintain and preserve the city's townscape.

Enforcement of "Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines"

The "Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines" are based on the results of a survey of the current state of buildings in the city, the content of discussions and recommendations at the Landscape Planning Council, and the public comments (opinions) from May 23, 2011 to June 23, 2011. The guidelines were formulated with reference to the contents of the Recruitment Program, etc., and have been implemented since October 1, 2011.
Citizens and businesses are encouraged to utilize this service when building new buildings, rebuilding buildings, repainting walls, etc.

Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines



Inagi city area

Click here to search for color target categories by region and scale.


In principle, all buildings, etc.

However, among buildings, etc. that take into consideration the surrounding environment and scenery, the following cases may not be covered, so please contact us.


Within the district planning area

District planning must be submitted to the city.
Please attach an elevation drawing showing the Munsell values ​​of the colors used for the exterior walls and roof to the district planning notification document.
Note: For information on district planning, please click here .

Outside the district planning area

Although there is no notification to the city, in order to create a "beautiful urban landscape where the seasons come to life" that is unique to Inagi, we used this guideline as a reference so as not to create a sense of incongruity with the rich natural scenery that surrounds the entire city. We ask for your cooperation by refraining from using "protruding colors such as

Proposal from the Inagi City Landscape Creation Council

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Town Development Planning Division Telephone: 042-378-2111