Inagi City

Target color classification by area/scale

Last updated: April 9, 2018

Area division map and scope of application

Click here for the Inagi City Landscape Color Guidelines.

Area division map and scope of application

Target classification of color rules by region and scale


Low-rise buildings (height less than 10m and total area less than 1000m2)

Mid-to-high-rise building (10m or more in height or 1000m2 or more in total area)

existing urban area Division (3) Division (2)
Misawa River Left Bank Hills Division (3) Division (1)
Misawa River Right Bank Hills Division (3) Division (1)
Hirao area Division (3) Division (2)
Station area Division (4) Division (4)
Wakabadai Station North Exit Area Distinctive district

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Town Development Planning Division Telephone: 042-378-2111