Inagi City

Roadside Excavation Enforcement Agreement Related Forms

Last updated: November 11, 2020

About application procedure, please see page of roadside excavation enforcement discussion .

Attached document

1. Power of Attorney
2. Pledge
3.Outline of Architectural Specifications
4.Excavation work specifications
5. Floor plan (layout)
6.Earth retaining plan
7.Earth retaining statement
8. Photos of current situation
9. Schedule
10. Copy of construction confirmation notice
11. Detail drawing of reference point
12. Guide map
13.Other remarks: Attached documents other than the roadside excavation implementation agreement can be freely formatted.

number of submissions

2 copies (1 copy each)

number of submissions

1 copy

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Management Section Telephone: 042-378-2111