Inagi City

Tax related

Last updated: July 6, 2023

PDF format

It is in PDF file format, so please print it out and use it.

Note : Plain paper is recommended for print paper, and A4 or B5 print sizes are recommended. Thermal paper for thermal printers cannot be accepted.

 For information on how to apply for a certificate of tax payment, please refer to the " Certificate of Tax Payment " page.

 For information on how to apply for bank transfer, please refer to the " Bank Transfer " page.

 Please read before applying for account transfer.

 Please read before applying for account transfer.

 For identity verification when an agent performs procedures, etc., please check the " Identity verification at the Receipt Section " page.

Excel format

It is in Excel file format, so please print it out and use it.

Note : Plain paper is recommended for print paper, and A4 or B5 print sizes are recommended. Thermal paper for thermal printers cannot be accepted.

 For information on how to apply for a certificate of tax payment, please refer to the " Certificate of Tax Payment " page.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Citizens Department Storage Division Phone: 042-378-2111