Inagi City

Medical certificate (child)

Last updated: April 24, 2024

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Applying for reimbursement of medical expenses paid

We will refund the medical expenses paid to the medical institution (the self-paid portion of insured medical treatment).
Please apply following the instructions at the link.

Note : Applications must be submitted within 5 years from the day after the payment of medical expenses and within the validity period of the medical certificate.
Note : If you have other special medical expenses, you may need additional documents, so please inquire at the Child Care Support Division.
Note : It takes about two months from application to payment (account transfer).

Medical expenses subsidy system for infants, children in compulsory education, high school students, etc.

Applying for the first time in Inagi City (moving in, birth of first child, etc.)

Second and subsequent applications in Inagi City (birth of a second child and beyond)

Reissuance of medical certificate (for those who have lost it, etc.)

Notification of change (insurance change, name change, address change, etc.)

When an agent applies

Premature infant care medical benefit system

Note: Consent form for inquiry of local tax-related information must be submitted only by those who fall under any of the following.

Note: During the review process of your submitted documents, we may ask you to submit additional documents.

When an agent applies

Documents that can be submitted by mail

The above documents can also be submitted by mail.
Please check the attached documents on the website and submit them without any omissions, seal omissions, or incomplete attachments.

Points to note when submitting by mail

The reception date by mail will be the date the application/notification arrives at the city hall.
If the date of arrival at the city office is delayed due to a postal accident, etc., the date of entitlement to receive the benefits may be delayed (the month in which you start receiving benefits or the start of the period of validity of your medical certificate may be delayed). In order to ensure that the application form/notification reaches the city hall, please send it by specific record/simple registered mail.
In addition, if there are any deficiencies in the application or notification, we will contact you by phone or letter at a later date. Be sure to fill in your address, name and phone number.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division Phone: 042-378-2111