Inagi City

Parenting Tips Video Collection

Last updated: July 17, 2024

We post videos and materials that are useful for raising children.
Please take a look if you are having trouble raising your child.

before having a baby

This video is not only for parents with babies, but also for everyone who takes care of babies.

We are holding a class for dads and moms who have a baby for the first time

Click here for the maternity class page
Click here for the Mom and Dad Classroom page

for dad

It contains a wide range of information about mothers' mental and physical changes and children's growth, as well as the roles of fathers and child-rearing.

Introducing a method that allows you to have a pseudo-pregnancy experience using things at home. Experience the difficulty in seeing your feet and the burden on your lower back.

baby care

Video of play (rhythm play, panel theater, handicraft, etc.)

how to brush baby teeth

Click here for the page for parent-child tooth brushing class (care for 0-year-old children)
Click here for the page for dental health checkups for 1-year-old children.

About baby food

You can easily watch the video about when to start baby food.

You can watch a video on how to solve problems with baby food in an easy-to-understand manner.

Click here for the baby food workshop page

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Child Welfare Department Oyako Comprehensive Support Center Phone: 042-378-3434