Inagi City

Forgetful? dementia? Please contact us if you think "that's right"

Last updated: July 14, 2021

When you want to talk about dementia

Please contact the Regional Comprehensive Support Center

This is a general consultation service for the elderly commissioned by Inagi City.
Please consult with the Regional Comprehensive Support Center in charge of your area.
Consultation is free.

Regional Comprehensive Support Center contact information


Responsible area

telephone number

Regional Comprehensive Support Center Hirao

Sakahama and Hirao


Community Comprehensive Support Center Yanokuchi

Oshidate, Yanoguchi


Community Comprehensive Support Center Elegant Momura

Daimaru, Higashinaganuma, Hyakumura


Regional Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai

Koyodai, Nagamine, Wakabadai


At the Regional Comprehensive Support Center, we accept consultations to support elderly people and their families, etc., in addition to dementia.

Click here for information on the Regional Comprehensive Support Center.

Inagi City has a "Dementia Support Coordinator"!

Image Activity
State of activity

In Inagi City, there are dementia support coordinators at the Regional Comprehensive Support Center and Nokuchi and Regional Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai.
In cooperation with the Regional Comprehensive Support Center, we support people with dementia and their families, and carry out various activities related to dementia in Inagi City.

Don't worry alone... For families caring for people with dementia

Information on family meetings and caregiver exchange meetings

In Inagi City, there is a place where you can meet with fellow caregivers of the elderly and those with dementia to exchange information and discuss nursing care.
Click below for details.

Information on family meetings and caregiver exchange meetings.

When an elderly person disappears due to loitering, etc.

When an elderly person disappears due to loitering, etc., please do not think that you may be able to find it if you look for it, or that the police will take care of you.
Early notification leads to early detection.

Inagi City is taking the following measures for elderly people who are wandering around.

Inagi City Wandering Elderly SOS Network

When elderly people are gone, there is a network that aims to detect elderly people at an early stage, such as wandering, in cooperation with related organizations.
After contacting the police number 110, please contact the Inagi City Elderly Welfare Division.
At that time, we will ask you about the age, height, clothes, belongings of the elderly, and other information that will help you find them.

Contact Inagi City Hall Elderly Welfare Section Regional Support Section
042-378-2111 (extension 220)

Family Support Service for Wandering Elderly

For elderly people aged 65 and over who show significant wandering behavior, mobile terminal devices are lent, and when they go missing, a 24-hour consultation center cooperates with their families to search for their whereabouts. It is a service that supports family members so that they can provide nursing care with peace of mind by preventing accidents, etc.
In addition, as an optional service, there is a search dispatch with the cooperation of the company that uses the device, although it will be at your own expense.

Usage fee Application fee 3,500 yen (excluding tax)
Monthly usage fee 250 yen (excluding tax)
Optional services Location information provision fee and search dispatch fee will be charged.

Contact Inagi City Hall Elderly Welfare Division Elderly Welfare Section
042-378-2111 (extension 222, 223)

Information on Tokyo Dementia Navi

This site introduces the basic knowledge of dementia and consultation desks, various workshops held in Tokyo, and measures to realize community development where people with dementia and their families can live with peace of mind in the community. This is the official website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which comprehensively disseminates the status of consideration.

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111