Inagi City

Information on family meetings and caregiver exchange meetings

Last updated: May 11, 2023

Don't worry alone... For families caring for people with dementia

In Inagi City, there is a place where you can meet fellow caregivers of the elderly and people with dementia to exchange information and discuss nursing care.
Note: Subject to change without notice. Please contact us for details.

family reunion


Activity content

Contact Information

Inagi Dementia Family Association “Orange i”

Holding a luncheon (once a month)
・Around JR Yanoguchi Station ・Hirao Cafe Paw Paw Tree
In addition, we hold lectures, provide information, and hold events (facility tours, etc.).
Please contact us for details, as activity dates and content are subject to change.
Orange i homepage (external link) 

Inagi City Hall Elderly Welfare Division Regional Support Section
042-378-2111 (extension 220)

Caregiver exchange meeting



State of holding

Contact Information

Yamamomo-kai, a group of families caring for people with dementia

Hiraoen (2-49-20 Hirao)

Announced in Newsletter Inagi held every 3 months

(Regional Comprehensive Support Center Hirao)

“Sumomo-kai” for families caring for their parents

Hiraoen (2-49-20 Hirao)

Held 2 or 3 times a year Announced in Koho Inagi

(Regional Comprehensive Support Center Hirao)

Exchange meeting for dementia caregivers

Flat Cafe (1659-4 Yanoguchi Streamside Suzuki Building 1F)

From 1:30 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of every month
3 O'clock

(Local Comprehensive Support Center Yanokuchi)

family caregiver gathering

Inagien (255 Hyakumura)

Held about twice a year Announced in Koho Inagi

(Regional Comprehensive Support Center Elegant Momura)

caregiver gathering

Regional Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai (3-4-4 Koyodai)

3rd Saturday of every month 2:00pm to 3:30pm

(Regional Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai)

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111