Inagi City

funeral expenses

Last updated: April 27, 2022

When a person enrolled in National Health Insurance in Inagi City passes away, 50,000 yen will be paid as funeral expenses to the person who held the funeral at the request of the funeral director (main mourner).
Please note that payment will not be made if two years have passed since the day following the funeral.

Note: If the death is caused by the actions of a third party (traffic accident, etc.) and the third party bears the funeral expenses as compensation for damages, it may not be paid.

What you need for your application

If you apply by mail, please attach the completed application form and the above documents.
Please be sure to include your phone number in case we need to contact you if the documents are incomplete.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Citizens Department Insurance and Pension Section Phone: 042-378-2111