Inagi City

About burden ratio

Last updated: October 31, 2019

The proportion of medical expenses you pay at the hospital will vary depending on your age.

Self-pay rate by age

Pre-compulsory education (until the first March 31 after reaching the age of 6)

20% burden

Under 70 after entering elementary school

30% burden

Over 70 and under 75

20% or 30% burden Note: Those who turned 70 by April 1, 2014 will have to pay 10% or 30% of the burden due to special measures.

income category burden ratio Applicable criteria
Income equivalent to working income 3 (taxable income of 6.9 million yen or more)
Income equivalent to working income 2 (taxable income of 3.8 million yen or more)
Income equivalent to working income 1 (taxable income 1,450,000 yen or more)
30% National Health Insurance insured persons between the ages of 70 and 75 with residence tax taxable income of 1,450,000 yen or more in the same household including). However, if the total income of the applicable person is less than 5.2 million yen for 2 or more people, and less than 3.83 million yen for 1 person, the burden ratio will be the same as the "general" category.
one   General (taxable income less than 1,450,000 yen) 20% Those who do not fall under income earners above a certain amount, low income earners 2, or low income earners 1.
low income 2 20% The head of household and the insured person of National Health Insurance are exempt from residence tax.
low income 1 20% The head of the household and the insured person of the National Health Insurance are exempt from residence tax, and their income after deducting necessary expenses and deductions for each income category is 0 yen. (Public pension deduction is calculated at 800,000 yen)

An elderly beneficiary certificate will be issued to those who have reached the age of 70.

 Those who have reached the age of 70 will be issued an elderly recipient certificate, and the proportion of medical expenses they will pay at hospitals will change from the month following their birthday (or that month for those born on the 1st). Don't forget to declare your income, as your copayment rate will be determined based on your income. Elderly recipient certificates will be mailed at the end of the month of your 70th birthday (or at the end of the previous month for those born on the 1st). Additionally, the National Health Insurance elderly recipient card is renewed every August, so those who already have it will receive a new elderly recipient card by mail in late July.

About reduction/exemption of co-payment

 If life becomes extremely difficult due to a disaster or special circumstances, co-payments may be reduced or waived depending on the circumstances.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Citizens Department Insurance and Pension Section Phone: 042-378-2111