Inagi City

Space radiation dose measurement result in the city

Last updated: April 19, 2021

About change of measurement frequency of space radiation dose in the city

In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, since June 2011, city elementary and junior high schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens have continued to measure air radiation doses at fixed points 5 cm and 100 cm above the ground. The measured value is below the standard value (0.23 microsieverts per hour) indicated by the Ministry of the Environment, and in Tokyo, the value of the radiation monitoring post in Shinjuku Ward, which was installed before the Great East Japan Earthquake, is below the level before the earthquake. Due to reasons such as the fact that it has decreased to the numerical value, we will suspend the measurement of the air radiation dose in the city after 2021. However, if any concerns arise, the measurement will be resumed immediately.

For more information, please visit the link below.

Please see the link below for the results of monitoring posts in Shinjuku Ward.

About measurement results of space radiation dose

After changing the measurement frequency, we have measured the air radiation dose in the city, so we will announce the results.

The measurement results were below the index values recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection.

Measurement location measuring date weather Measured value (unit: μSv/h)
Schoolyard or playground (ground clearance)
100cm 5cm
Daiichi Elementary School January 6, 2021 sunny 0.053 0.045
Second Elementary School January 5, 2021 cloudy 0.041 0.043
Third Elementary School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.048 0.050
Fourth Elementary School January 18, 2021 cloudy 0.050 0.048
Sixth Elementary School January 4, 2021 sunny 0.056 0.054
Seventh Elementary School January 5, 2021 cloudy 0.038 0.040
Koyodai Elementary School January 4, 2021 sunny 0.031 0.033
Shiroyama Elementary School January 14, 2021 sunny 0.031 0.032
Nagamine Elementary School January 7, 2021 sunny 0.032 0.035
Wakabadai Elementary School January 6, 2021 cloudy 0.037 0.037
Hirao Elementary School January 7, 2021 sunny 0.043 0.039
Minamiyama Elementary School January 18, 2021 cloudy 0.056 0.060
Daiichi Junior High School January 4, 2021 sunny 0.059 0.063
Second junior high school January 6, 2021 cloudy 0.043 0.047
Third Junior High School January 7, 2021 sunny 0.053 0.056
Fourth Junior High School January 14, 2021 sunny 0.045 0.045
Fifth Junior High School January 5, 2021 cloudy 0.040 0.032
Sixth Junior High School January 6, 2021 cloudy 0.055 0.056
Third Nursery School January 8, 2021 sunny 0.033 0.035
Fifth Nursery School January 6, 2021 cloudy 0.039 0.035
Sixth Nursery School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.06 0.07
Hirao Nursery School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.04 0.04
Matsuba Nursery School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.05
Koyodai Nursery School January 14, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.05
Shiroyama Nursery School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.05
mominoki nursery nagamine January 13, 2021 sunny 0.07 0.06
Wakabadai Baobab Nursery School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.06 0.06
mominoki nursery wakabadai January 13, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.06
Nakajima Yuushi Nursery School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.04
Minamiyama Shiroyama Nursery School January 14, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.04
Hongo Yuushi Nursery School January 13, 2021 sunny 0.08 0.1
Felice Inagi Naganumaen January 14, 2021 sunny 0.07 0.07
Aoba Kindergarten January 14, 2021 sunny 0.07 0.07
Komakusa Kindergarten January 14, 2021 sunny 0.06 0.06
Komazawa Kindergarten attached to Komazawa Women's Junior College January 14, 2021 sunny 0.06 0.06
Hanabusa Kindergarten January 14, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.05
Hirao Wakaba Kindergarten January 14, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.05
Yanokuchi Kindergarten January 13, 2021 sunny 0.05 0.06
Ewha Kindergarten January 14, 2021 sunny 0.06 0.05

Note: If 0.23 microsieverts per hour is converted to 0.99864 millisieverts per year, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends that this is an indicator of normal radiation doses received by ordinary people (1 millisieverts or less per year (natural radiation) However, when the annual conversion value was calculated based on the measured value, it was less than 0.526 mSv per year (including natural radiation dose, etc.). , was less than 1 millisievert per year (excluding natural radiation dose, etc.).

Measurement overview

○Measurement locations Municipal elementary and junior high schools, municipal/private nursery schools, private kindergartens

○ Measurement point schoolyard or garden ○ Measurement height 5 cm and 100 cm from the ground surface

○Measurer city staff

○Measurement equipment PA-1000 (elementary and junior high school)

・TCS-172B (nursery school/kindergarten)
Note: The number of digits in the measured value varies depending on the measuring instrument used. (PA-1000 is displayed with 3 digits after the decimal point, TCS-172B is displayed with 2 digits after the decimal point.)
For reference: The Tokyo Metropolitan Health Safety and Health Center is comparing the values ​​measured by multiple measuring instruments.
For more information, please see "We measured the premises of the Health and Safety Research Center with various types of radiation detectors" (external link) .

○Measurement method ・Average of 5 repeated measurements every 60 seconds (PA-1000)

・Average of 5 repeated measurements every 30 seconds (TCS-172B)

○ Measurement value unit: microsievert per hour

○ Future measurements

Estimation of annual conversion value of air radiation dose

About annual conversion value estimate of space radiation dose in the city, we did trial calculation under the condition that "the space radiation dose measurement result in the city" continued for one year.

○ Annual conversion value estimation method Annual conversion value (millisieverts per year) = (measured value - natural radiation dose) x (8/24 [time spent outdoors] + 16/24 [time spent indoors] x 0.4 [indoors] radiation reduction rate]) × 24 hours × 365 days ÷ 1000 [mm conversion]

《In the case of 0.090 microsieverts per hour》
⇒ 0.090 x (August 24 [time spent outdoors] + 16/24 [time spent indoors] x 0.4 [rate of radiation reduction indoors]) x 24 hours x 365 days ÷ 1000 ≒ 0.473 millisievert notes per year : This conversion value does not subtract the natural radiation dose.
[Reference] The average natural radiation dose in Japan is said to be about 0.04 microsieverts per hour.

Conditions - Assuming 8 hours outdoors and 16 hours indoors

● Reduction effect (coefficient 0.4) for staying in a wooden house (16 hours)

Note: Estimates are based on the assumption that the measured values at the locations where measurements were taken this time will continue for one year.

○ Glossary Sievert (Sv) Unit millisievert (mSv) that expresses the effects of radiation on the body Microsievert (μSv), a unit that is 1/1,000th of a sievert Microsievert (μSv) 1) unit of

○ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) standards
During an emergency: 20 mSv to 100 mSv per year During recovery after an emergency accident: 1 mSv to 20 mSv per year Normal times: 1 mSv or less per year

Note: The above ICRP standards do not include natural radiation doses or radiation doses received from medical procedures.

Past measurement results

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111