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Inagi City
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Clean Center Tamagawa

Updated: July 21, 2015


Postal code 206-0801 1528 Daimaru, Inagi City

Inagi map

telephone number


fax number


Facility information

Traffic access

Approximately 20 minutes walk from Minamitama Station on the JR Nambu Line

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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Inagi city official mascot Nashinosuke Inagi
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
Copyright (C) Inagi City. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C)K.Okawara・Jet Inoue. All rights reserved.
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