Inagi City Suicide Countermeasures Plan
Updated: April 26, 2024
Suicide is considered to be a death that occurs as a result of a complex interplay of various factors, and because it is not just an individual problem but also involves social factors, it is important that society as a whole works to prevent suicide.
Based on the Basic Act on Suicide Prevention, the city is formulating a plan for suicide prevention in Inagi City, taking into consideration the Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Outline and the prefectural suicide prevention plan, as well as local conditions.
The planning period for the first plan ended in fiscal year 2023, and based on the city's efforts, achievements, and challenges to date, as well as the national "Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Outline," we have formulated the Second Inagi City Suicide Prevention Plan as the next plan.
Going forward, based on this plan and with the basic philosophy of "aiming to realize an Inagi City where no one is driven to suicide," we will comprehensively promote suicide prevention measures through comprehensive support for living, in cooperation and collaboration with the government and other related organizations.
Second Inagi City Suicide Prevention Plan
Main story
Second Inagi City Suicide Prevention Plan (PDF: 1,988KB)
Summary version
Second Inagi City Suicide Prevention Plan (Summary) (PDF: 1,075KB)
(Reference) Inagi City Suicide Prevention Plan
Inagi city suicide measures plan (PDF: 1,251KB)
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Inagi City Welfare Department Health Division
112-1 Hyakumura, Inagi City, Tokyo (Inside Inagi City Health Center)
Phone: 042-378-3421 Fax: 042-377-4944