Childcare Fees and Payment Methods
Childcare Centers are operated with the financial contributions from the national government, the prefecture, the city, and the Parent or Guardian. Therefore, if you enroll in a Childcare Center, you will be required to pay the childcare fees.
Childcare Fees
For information about the fees for the Licensed Childcare Center, please refer to the guide for using childcare centers.
Payment Method
Please pay the childcare fees for the Licensed Childcare Center to the city.
As a general rule, the payment of childcare fees for the Licensed Childcare Center will be made via bank transfer.
(For those with siblings enrolled, the fees will be deducted from the registered account.)
We will send the bank transfer request form along with the notification of the childcare center usage approval, so please fill in the necessary information, affix your seal, and complete the procedure at the financial institution designated by Inagi City (as noted on the back of the bank transfer request form). The account name can be anyone in the family.
Additionally, please pay the childcare fees until the bank transfer procedure is completed using the childcare fee decision notification and payment notification.
Note: The transfer date (payment deadline) is the last day of each month (or the next business day if it falls on a holiday). Please ensure that you make the payment by the day before the transfer date.
Easy application with cash card: "Pay-easy Account Transfer Reception Service"
In addition to applying with the direct debit request form, applications can be made up to about three weeks before the payment deadline, and you can easily complete the process using a cash card in your name with the "Pay-easy Direct Debit Reception Service." Please refer to the next page for details on the application method, eligible persons, items to bring, financial institutions, and types of deposits. However, the locations for accepting childcare fees are limited to the Child Care Support Division counter and the Hirao and Wakabadai Branch Office counters only.
About Cashless Payment Services
You can pay the childcare fees by launching the smartphone payment app and scanning the convenience store payment barcode printed on the payment slip.
The usage limit is up to 300,000 yen per transaction (100,000 yen for FamiPay).
- Note: Receipts will not be issued for childcare fees paid through smartphone payment apps. If you need a receipt, please make your payment at a convenience store or financial institution.
- Note: Payments for items past the due date cannot be made using the smartphone payment app.
Currently Available Payment Services
LINE Pay, PayPay, au PAY, d Payment, J-Coin Pay, FamiPay, Rakuten Pay
Receipt Storage
Please be sure to keep the receipt for the childcare fees for 5 years after payment.
Note: You may be asked to present the receipt for payment confirmation.
In the case of overdue childcare fees
If the designated childcare fees are not paid, we will follow the steps below to urge payment.
- We will send reminders and notifications.
- We will contact the Parent or Guardian regarding payment at their home, mobile, and workplace.
- We will visit your home, Childcare Center, or workplace to collect the overdue childcare fees.
- Property will be seized due to examples of local tax delinquency measures.
- Note: If the payment of childcare fees (after April 2017) is delayed, late fees may apply.
- Note: In addition to the collection of overdue childcare fees, we also provide consultation for payment plans such as installment payments.
Reduction and Exemption of Nursery Fees
If the main earner's income has significantly decreased due to hospitalization, unemployment, etc., and meets the criteria set by the city, the childcare fees will be reduced. Please submit the Application Form along with the necessary documents to the Child Care Support Division.
Additionally, if your child is absent from the Childcare Center due to physical reasons, the childcare fees may be waived.
Extended childcare fees
If you wish to use extended childcare, please pay the following extended childcare fees to the Nursery School.
- Extended childcare (registered children) Note: 1 person 3,200 yen per month
- Temporary Extended Childcare (Spot) 500 yen per person (for every 30 minutes)
- Private
- Please contact the implementing facility.
- Note: For extended childcare (registered children), please pay the full monthly fee even if you start using it partway through the month.
- Note: For those with short-time childcare certification, if you use the service outside of the hours from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, a spot fee will be applied as an extended childcare fee. (Monthly extended fees do not apply.)
Exemption from Extended Childcare Fees
For households in the first and second income brackets, there is a system for exemption from extended childcare fees. However, please note that temporary use is not eligible for reduction.
For more details, please contact the Child Care Support Division or the implementing nursery school.
Please let us know your feedback on how to make our website better.
Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division