Special Child Support Allowance (National System)

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Page ID 1004331 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 23

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Those who are raising children (or individuals) with disabilities under the age of 20. However, the degree of disability should generally be around level 1 to 3 of the Love Certificate, or around level 1 to 3 of the Physical Disability Certificate, or have a mental disability of a similar degree, or meet the criteria for multiple disabilities as defined by law. For detailed criteria, please check the Tokyo Disability Welfare Center's website.

Monthly Allowance Amount

For each child, the allowance for Grade 1 certified children is 55,350 yen
For each child, the allowance for Grade 2 certified children is 36,860 yen

Payment Method

In principle, payments will be made three times a year (in April, August, and November) to the designated financial institution account. Additionally, payments will be eligible starting from the month following the application date.

Application Method

Please bring the following documents and apply at the Child Care Support Division, Benefits and Grants Section on the 2nd floor of City Hall.

  1. A copy of the bankbook for the applicant's own bank account (a page clearly showing the account holder's name, bank name, branch name, and account number is required)
  2. Certificate of Residence for all household members (can be omitted if the Certificate of Residence is in Inagi City)
  3. Certificates or diagnosis documents indicating the status of disabilities (the format of the diagnosis document is distributed at the counter)
  4. My Number Card Verification Document
    • Note: It is necessary to include the My Number in the Application Form at the time of application.
      (For the applicant, spouse, children, and dependents, etc.)
    • Note: For information regarding the verification documents for the My Number, please see the following page.
  5. In addition, depending on the situation, other certificates may be required. For more details, please contact us.

Income Limit

Please refer to the table below
Note: The new fiscal year starts from applications submitted in July each year.

Special Child Support Allowance Income Limit Table

Number of People


Support Obligor

0 people

4,596,000 yen

6,287,000 yen

1 person

4,976,000 yen

6,536,000 yen

2 people

5,356,000 yen

6,749,000 yen

3 people

5,736,000 yen

6,962,000 yen

4 people

6,116,000 yen

7,175,000 yen

5 people

6,496,000 yen

7,388,000 yen

Dependent Deduction




Dependent Obligor

Elderly Support

100,000 yen

From the second person

60,000 yen

Specific Dependents, etc.

250,000 yen

0 yen

Special Disability

400,000 yen

400,000 yen

Other Disabilities

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

Applicable Deductions for the Individual




Dependent Obligor

Special Disability

400,000 yen

400,000 yen

Other Disabilities

270,000 yen

270,000 yen


270,000 yen

270,000 yen

Single Parent

350,000 yen

350,000 yen

Working Students

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

Other Deductions




Dependent Obligor

Casualty Loss Deduction

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Medical Expenses Deduction

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Small Business Mutual Aid

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Special Spousal Deduction

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Fixed Deduction (Equivalent to Social Insurance = Fixed Amount)



Dependent Obligor

80,000 yen

80,000 yen

  • Note 1: The number refers to the number of dependents for tax purposes.
  • Note 2: To compare with the amounts in this table, please refer to your income (the amount after salary income deduction on the withholding tax statement, the total income amount (1) on the notification of special collection tax for municipal and Tokyo Metropolitan Resident Tax, and the total income amount on the tax return) minus the above deduction amounts.
    If you have income from salary or public pension, use the amount after deducting 100,000 yen from the total amount.

Update Procedures

Every year in August, it is necessary to submit a current status report as part of the annual update procedure.
In late July, the Child Care Support Division will send the application form, so please submit it along with the required documents.
If the current status report is not submitted, you will not be able to receive benefits from August (for the November payment).

Notification is required

In the following cases, please proceed with the necessary procedures promptly.

  • When the condition of the target child's disability changes
  • When changing your name
  • When changing your address
  • When the number of eligible children changes
  • When a child is admitted to a child welfare facility, etc.
  • When circumstances arise that do not meet other eligibility requirements and prevent the receipt of benefits

Available Procedure Dates

Open on business days from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Note: Excluding holidays.

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division