Child Allowance (National System)

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Page ID 1004330 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The system for Child Allowance will change starting from November 2024.

Starting from the November 2024 payment (to be paid in January 2025), a revision of the Child Allowance system is scheduled.
The details of the revision are as follows.

  1. The additional amount for the third child and beyond will be increased
    to the same amount as the second child. For details, please check the "Allowance Monthly Amount Table" at the bottom of the page.
  2. Increase in income limit for full and partial payments for eligible recipients
    Please check the "Child Allowance Income Limit Table" at the bottom of the page for details.

Those who are already certified for Child Allowance (including those with suspended payments) will have their allowance amount calculated automatically based on the new standards if they submit their current status report in August.

For those who have not applied for the Child Allowance due to exceeding the income limit of the applicant, it may be possible to receive the allowance due to the relaxation of the income restrictions. To ensure that you receive the allowance without missing out, it is necessary to apply by the end of October in the 6th year of Reiwa.


Those who are in a Single-Parent Family due to divorce, etc. (Note 1), and are raising children until the end of the fiscal year in which they turn 18 (Note 2). However, children who are residing in child welfare facilities are excluded.
There are other eligibility requirements. Please consult us regarding whether you meet the eligibility requirements.

  • Note 1: For example, the following types of households
    • Divorce of father or mother
    • Death of father or mother
    • Father or mother is missing
    • Father or mother has been absent for more than a year
    • Father or mother has received a DV protection order from the court
    • Father or mother has been detained by law for more than one year
    • Raising children born outside of marriage
    • Raising children who are not supported by their parents
    • Father or mother has a certain level of severe disability
  • Note 2: Children with a certain level of disability are eligible if they are under 20 years old.

Monthly Allowance Amount

Allowance Monthly Amount Table

Until October 2024

After November 2024

Main amount: Full payment

45,500 yen

45,500 yen

Main amount: Partial payment

From 45,490 to 10,740 yen

From 45,490 to 10,740 yen

Second Child Addition Amount: Full Payment

10,750 yen

10,750 yen

Second Child Addition Amount: Partial Payment

10,740 to 5,380 yen

10,740 to 5,380 yen

Additional amount for the third child and beyond: Full payment

6,450 yen

Same as the second child addition amount

Additional amount for the third child and beyond: Partial payment

6,440 to 3,230 yen

Same as the second child addition amount

The amount granted will be calculated based on the applicant's income.
If the applicant's income exceeds the limit for partial payment, or if the income of the dependents (those who are direct blood relatives or siblings of the applicant and live with the applicant) exceeds the limit, the full payment will be suspended regardless of the number of children (allowance amount 0 yen).

Payment Amount for Those Receiving Public Pensions

If the claimant is receiving Disability Basic Pension, etc.

  1. The amount of non-taxable public pension benefits (Note: 2) will be included in the "income" of the recipient of the Child Allowance who is receiving the Disability Basic Pension (Note: 1) to calculate the allowance amount.
  2. If the amount of Child Allowance calculated at 1 exceeds the amount of the addition for children in the Disability Pension, the difference will be paid.
  • Note: 1 Basic disability pension under the National Pension Act, disability compensation pension under the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act, etc.
  • Note: 2 Disability Pension, Survivor's Pension, Workers' Compensation Pension, Survivor Compensation, etc.

If the claimant and the child are receiving pensions other than the above

If the monthly amount of public Pension benefits received is less than the amount of Child Allowance, the difference will be provided as an allowance.

Payment Method

In principle, benefits will be transferred to the designated financial institution account six times a year (mid-January, March, May, July, September, and November) for two months' worth of benefits up to the previous month. Please note that payments will be eligible starting from the month following the application date.

Application Method

Please bring the following documents and apply at the Child Care Support Division, Benefits and Grants Section on the 2nd floor of City Hall.

  1. Family Register
  2. Documents that show the account number of a financial institution in the name of the applicant (such as a passbook or card)
  3. My Number Card Verification Document
    • Note: It is necessary to include the My Number in the Application Form at the time of application.
      (For the applicant, spouse, children, and dependents)
    • Note: Information about the My Number verification documents is here
  4. Documents related to public pensions (for public pension recipients only. Either pension certificate, pension decision notification, payment amount change notification, pension amount revision notification, etc.)
  5. In addition, depending on the situation, other certificates may be required. For more details, please contact us.

Income Limit

Please refer to the following table
Note: The new fiscal year starts from applications submitted in October each year.

Child Allowance Income Limit Table (up to October 2024)

Number of People

Applicant (Parents)
Full Grant

Applicant (Parents)
Partial Grant

0 people

490,000 yen

1,920,000 yen

1 person

870,000 yen

2,300,000 yen

2 people

1,250,000 yen

2,680,000 yen

3 people

1,630,000 yen

3,060,000 yen

4 people

2,010,000 yen

3,440,000 yen

5 people

2,390,000 yen

3,820,000 yen

Child Allowance Income Limit Table (from November 2024)

Number of People

Applicant (Parents)
Full Grant

Applicant (Parents)
Partial Grant

0 people

690,000 yen

2,080,000 yen

1 person

1,070,000 yen

2,460,000 yen

2 people

1,450,000 yen

2,840,000 yen

3 people

1,830,000 yen

3,220,000 yen

4 people

2,210,000 yen

3,600,000 yen

5 people

2,590,000 yen

3,980,000 yen

Child Allowance Income Limit Table

Number of People

Applicant (Guardian) / Support Obligor

0 people

2,360,000 yen

1 person

2,740,000 yen

2 people

3,120,000 yen

3 people

3,500,000 yen

4 people

3,880,000 yen

5 people

4,260,000 yen

Dependent Deduction

Applicant (Parents)

Full Provision

Applicant (Parents)

Partial Payment

Applicant (Caregiver)・

Dependent Obligor

Elderly Support

100,000 yen

100,000 yen

From the second person

60,000 yen

Specific Dependents, etc.

150,000 yen

150,000 yen

0 yen

Special Disability

400,000 yen

400,000 yen

400,000 yen

Other Disabilities

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

Applicable Deductions for the Individual


Applicant (Parents)

Full Provision

Applicant (Parents)

Partial Payment

Applicant (Caregiver)・

Dependent Obligor

Special Disability

400,000 yen

400,000 yen

400,000 yen

Other Disabilities

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

270,000 yen


0 yen

0 yen

270,000 yen

Single Parent

0 yen

0 yen

350,000 yen

Working Students

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

Other Deductions


Applicant (Parents)

Full Provision

Applicant (Parents)

Partial Payment

Applicant (Caregiver)・

Dependent Obligor

Casualty Loss Deduction

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Medical Expenses Deduction

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Small Business Mutual Aid

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Special Spousal Deduction

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Fixed Deduction (Equivalent to Social Insurance = Fixed Amount)

Applicant (Parents)

Full Provision

Applicant (Parents)

Partial Payment

Applicant (Caregiver)・

Dependent Obligor

80,000 yen

80,000 yen

80,000 yen

  • Note 1: The number refers to the number of dependents for tax purposes.
  • Note 2: To compare with the amounts in this table, please refer to your income (the amount after salary income deduction on the withholding tax statement, the total income amount (1) on the notification of special collection tax for municipal and Tokyo Metropolitan Resident Tax, and the total income amount on the tax return). If you have income from salary or public Pension, use the amount after deducting 100,000 yen from the total amount.

Update Procedures

Every year in August, it is necessary to submit a current status report as part of the annual update procedure.
In late July, the Child Care Support Division will send out notification documents, so please bring the necessary documents and visit the office.
If the current status report is not submitted, you will not be able to receive benefits from November (for the January payment).

Notification is required

In the following cases, please proceed with the necessary procedures promptly.

  • When changing your name
  • When changing your address
  • When you get married (including de facto marriage) Note: Includes cohabitation with an unmarried opposite sex
  • When you receive a public Pension or when the right to receive it arises
  • When the main breadwinner changes
  • When the number of family members living together changes
  • When a child is admitted to a child welfare facility, etc.
  • When a child gets married
  • When circumstances arise that do not meet other eligibility requirements and prevent the receipt of benefits

Available Procedure Dates

Open on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Note: Excluding holidays

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Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division