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We are building a community that supports each other

Update date: March 8, 2024

There is an increasing number of elderly people who feel uneasy about their daily lives, such as having no contact with their neighbors or having no one to turn to when they are in trouble.
With the mutual support of people close to them, these elderly people can continue to live with peace of mind in their familiar neighborhoods.
Since 2015, Inagi City has appointed life support coordinators (members who promote mutual support in the community), and together with local residents and related organizations such as the Social Welfare Council, has created a forum for community development (council body). I have established.

What is a life support coordinator (member of community support promotion)?

Life support coordinators (members of community support promotion) play a role in creating opportunities for local discussions and connecting people in the community.
The city has a first-tier life support coordinator, and each regional comprehensive support center has a second-tier life support coordinator.

What is a council

It is a place to consider regional development of mutual support. There are two types of councils: the first-tier council and the second-tier council.
The first level council is a place to consider city-wide issues, and the second level council is a place to consider regional issues.
Issues that cannot be resolved by the second-tier council alone will be raised to the first-tier council for discussion.

First-tier consultative body 

Committee members (representatives of groups active throughout the city)

  • Long-term care prevention voluntary group
  • Residents' association
  • Public welfare children's committee
  • Midori Club
  • NPO corporation
  • Liaison Committee for In-Home Long-Term Care Support Business Operators
  • Silver Human Resources Center
  • social welfare council
  • First level life support coordinator (Inagi City)
  • Second Tier Life Support Coordinator (Regional Comprehensive Support Center)
  • Inagi City

"Future Image of Inagi City's Elderly in 2025 and Efforts for 10 Years Later -Positioning of Council-"

Achievements of the first-tier council

Image State of the first-level council
State of the first-tier council

1st Regional Connection Forum                                                           

date and time

Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 1:30pm to 4:00pm


Part 1: The future of “supporting each other”!

  • About community development that supports the aging population
  • Regional connections Activity reports in each region

Let's talk about Part 2, "Small connections in our area"!

  • group work

Second regional connection forum held

date and time

Saturday, January 27, 2020, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Central Cultural Center Hall


  • Local activity report
  • Inagi City Song (Ocarina performance and chorus)
  • electone performance
  • Radio gymnastics
  • Inagi Prosperity Festival (dance) etc.

Second tier consultative body

main participants

  • Voluntary groups active in the region
  • Public welfare children's committee
  • Residents' association
  • NPO corporation
  • Midori Club
  • Private office
  • Long-term care insurance office
  • social welfare council
  • Regional Comprehensive Support Center
  • First level life support coordinator (Inagi City)
  • Second Tier Life Support Coordinator (Regional Comprehensive Support Center)
  • Inagi City   

Note: Depending on the agenda, relevant people will participate                       

Achievements of the second-tier council

District 1 [Sakahama/Hirao]

District 2 [Oshidate/Yanoguchi]

District 3 [Daimaru, Higashinaganuma, Hyakumura]

District 4 [Koyodai, Nagamine, Wakabadai]

Image State of the second tier council
State of the second tier council

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Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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Inagi city official mascot Nashinosuke Inagi
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
Copyright (C) Inagi City. All rights reserved.
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