Inagi City

Implementation of verification of Inagi City's comprehensive strategy for creating towns, people and jobs (FY2019)

Last updated: November 24, 2021

the purpose

The "Inagi City Town, People, and Job Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Comprehensive Strategy") verifies the progress of the comprehensive strategy with key performance indicators (KPIs), etc., and implements a PDCA cycle to make improvements as necessary.
This verification was conducted for the purpose of evaluating and verifying the progress of the comprehensive strategy and summarizing the five-year period from FY2015 to FY2019 toward the formulation of the next comprehensive strategy.

Verification overview

In order to incorporate the opinions of citizens and systematically and comprehensively verify the comprehensive strategy, the "Inagi City Town, People, and Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy Verification Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Verification Committee") was established. deployed. In addition, in order to ensure consistency and consistency with the formulation and verification of the comprehensive strategy so far, the "Inagi City Town/People/Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy Planning Committee" and the same members as the verification committee so far , or members recommended by their affiliations.


At the time of formulation, the current comprehensive strategy was a five-year plan from 2015 to 2019, but in order to formulate the next comprehensive strategy in accordance with Inagi City's top plan, the 5th Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Plan, the formulation period was set to 2021 in line with the formulation of the 5th Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Plan.
This fiscal year's Verification Committee will provide a five-year summary of the next comprehensive strategy, so we have posted the target values ​​for both the end of FY2019 and the end of FY2020 for key performance indicators (KPIs), which are indicators of the progress of the comprehensive strategy.

FY2019 results

Of the businesses listed in the Comprehensive Strategy, we classified the businesses for which KPIs have been set into three categories: “Achieved,” “Expected to be achieved,” and “Unachieved,” depending on the status of progress. The concept of each category is as follows.

achievement Businesses whose "KPI performance" in FY2019 has reached the "target value" at the end of FY2020
Expected achievement Projects that have not reached the "target value" at the end of FY2020, but are clearly expected to be achieved
Unachieved Businesses whose KPI performance in FY2019 did not reach the target value at the end of FY2020

Note: The progress toward the end of fiscal 2019 "target value" is posted for reference.


End of 2020 "target value"
progress against

(Reference) End of FY2019 "target value"
progress against

Comprehensive Strategy Publication Business 51 businesses 51 businesses
KPI setting business 42 businesses (100.0%) 42 businesses (100.0%)
achievement 13 businesses (31.0%)

20 businesses (47.6%)

Expected achievement 4 businesses (9.5%)
Unachieved 25 businesses (59.5%) 22 businesses (52.4%)

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Inagi City Planning Department Planning Policy Division Phone: 042-378-2111