Inagi City

Sewer related

Last updated: September 1, 2024

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Self-financed work related to public sewerage facilities

It takes about a week to get permission, so please apply early. Please note that depending on the content of the application, it may take more than a month to receive permission.

Note: Be sure to print out both sides of the "Public sewerage facility self-funded construction application form" and submit it.

Basket/mounting pipe correction template

Note: Please submit the following box/mounting pipe correction template together with the above-mentioned self-financed construction completion report.

In case of work involving exclusive use of metropolitan roads

In the case of work involving the exclusive use of metropolitan roads, please read the following "Regarding work for exclusive use of metropolitan roads" and submit the "Road Occupation Procedure Authorization Form".

Application for installation of public squares

Note: Please be sure to print out both sides of the “Public Mast Installation Application Form” and submit it.

Application related to designated sewer construction shop

Public sewer beds, etc. Private occupancy permission application relationship

water quality

Regarding the installation of the disposer, be sure to check the "Installation handling guidelines for "disposer wastewater treatment system, etc."".
In addition, in Inagi City, only certified products based on the Japan Sewage Works Association's "Performance Standards for Disposer Wastewater Treatment Systems for Sewage (Draft) (March 2013)" can be newly installed.

Drainage equipment

We hand plan confirmation applications such as drainage facilities to the planned number of construction at sewerage section window.

Please use this application form and the power of attorney for viewing the completed drawing of drainage facilities at the Sewerage Division.

If you print the Public Sewerage Service Start Notification Form double-sided, the Multiple Household/Apartment Building Water Number List will be printed on the back of the Public Sewerage Service Start Notification Form. If there are two or more water meters (apartment building, two-family home, etc.), please fill in the Multiple Household/Apartment Building Water Number List for all meters located at the installation location.

You can apply using the form below.

Sewerage charges

You can apply using the form below.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Urban Environment Development Department, Sewerage Division Phone: 042-378-2111