Inagi City

Property tax related (reports, etc.)

Last updated: August 30, 2024

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Notification of Identity Verification Measures

The tax return must include your My Number (individual number or corporate number). In addition, when you submit a tax return containing your personal number, we will verify your identity (number verification, identity verification, and power-of-representation verification). Please refer to the attached "Notice of Identity Verification Measures" and cooperate with us.

PDF format

Notification of Identity Verification Measures

The tax return must include your My Number (individual number or corporate number). In addition, when you submit a tax return containing your personal number, we will verify your identity (number verification, identity verification, and power-of-representation verification). Please refer to the attached "Notice of Identity Verification Measures" and cooperate with us.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Citizens Department Taxation Division Telephone: 042-378-2111