Inagi City

No. 6 Initial budget for FY2012

Last updated: April 13, 2012

(Published in the April 15, 2012 issue of Public Relations Inagi)

 At the first Inagi City Council regular meeting held in March 2012, the initial budget for the new fiscal year for six special accounts, including the general account and the National Health Insurance project, was approved, and from April 1, 2012, It is being executed.
The original budget for FY2011 was a skeleton budget that excluded policy expenses because the previous mayor was scheduled to retire. Therefore, together with the supplementary budget that was submitted to Congress in June 2012 after I took office, it became the actual original budget. This time I will be creating a regular budget, but it is my first initial budget, and I decided to focus on the following four points.
First, maintaining sound finances and promoting the main administrative projects of the long-term comprehensive plan. Second, support for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and disaster prevention measures for Inagi City. Third, the emergency economic measures, which were expected to last three years until FY2011, will continue. Fourth, review administrative operations without exception and reduce ordinary expenses.
As a result of these, the size of the general account for fiscal year 2012 was 32.4 billion yen. This is an increase of 1.3% compared to the revised June 2011 budget (substantive original budget), but this budget includes approximately 2.2 billion yen for the purchase of land for Nanzan Elementary School (tentative name), so this is due to special factors. Excluding this, the decline was 5.6%.
The size of the budget has been expanding year by year due to the effects of emergency economic measures after the Lehman shock and increases in social security expenses, but going forward we will pay more attention to fiscal discipline than ever before.
A particular focus of this budget was preparation costs for the introduction of the new public accounting system. In order to build a sustainable and strong financial foundation for the future, it is important to prepare financial documents based on the accrual accounting and double-entry accounting concepts used by private companies and share cost awareness. is required.
We also placed emphasis on health plazas. The heated pool and health promotion facility that the citizens have been waiting for will finally open on May 28, 2012. We hope that many customers will use our services and create a healthy town full of smiles.

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