Inagi City

No. 2 Earthquake support and disaster prevention

Last updated: December 15, 2011

(Published in the December 15, 2011 issue of Public Relations Inagi)

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Inagi City has been working to provide support to the affected areas and implement disaster prevention measures within the city. The main contents are as follows.
On June 1, 2011, we concluded a "mutual support agreement in times of disaster" with Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture. Currently, we are providing support to Soma City, but if Inagi City were to be affected by the disaster, we would be able to receive support from Soma City.
On July 25, 2011, we expanded our ``agreement on cooperation in times of disaster'' with Kudan Incorporated Association. Previously, the grounds of Jinseien, next to Inagi Daishi Junior High School, had been approved for emergency use, but with the expansion of this agreement, approximately 100 people will be able to use the grounds as an emergency evacuation facility. became.
Since March 13, 2011, we have been dispatching staff to provide direct support to the disaster-stricken areas. Initially, based on dispatch requests from the city alone or the Tokyo Metropolitan Mayor's Association, we dispatched personnel on a short-term basis for purposes such as relief, relief, and assistance at evacuation centers. As of the end of August 2011, 78 people have been dispatched, a total of 189 people. Since then, we have been dispatching staff on a medium- to long-term basis to support recovery efforts, based on requests from the Tokyo Mayors' Association and the National Young Mayors' Association. We are currently dispatching one person to Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture for seven months, and one person to Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture for two months. Additionally, for nine days in November 2011, at the request of Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, staff from the Election Commission Secretariat were dispatched to the disaster-stricken areas to assist with the postponed unified local elections. We will continue to strive to dispatch staff as much as possible based on various requests for support.
As for disaster prevention measures in the city, the June 2011 supplementary budget increased funding for the furniture fall prevention equipment subsidy project, the seismic diagnosis subsidy for wooden houses, and the subsidy for personal housing renovation (remodeling and seismic retrofitting). Masu.
We will continue to strive for disaster prevention measures with the aim of creating a safe and secure town.

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretariat and Public Relations Division Telephone: 042-378-2111