Inagi City

Wide-area delivery of family register certificates, etc.

Last updated: September 18, 2024

From March 1, 2024, people whose registered domicile is far away can request family register certificates and other documents at their nearest city, town or village office.
Please note that you may have to wait a long time for the certificate to be issued. Please be aware of the following points.

Note: Wide-area deliveries are not available on days when the office is open on holidays.

Handling window

Types of family register certificates that can be requested for wide-area delivery

Note: You cannot request a personal certificate (excerpt).
Note: Some household registers that are not computerized cannot be claimed.
Note: Family register notes, identification cards, etc. are not eligible for wide-area delivery.
Note: As of March 1, 2020, identification codes for providing electronic certificates can be issued, but cannot be used. In the future, it is expected that it will be able to be used for passport application procedures, etc.

Those who can request wide-area delivery

  1. The person listed in the family register
  2. 1 spouse
  3. 1's direct blood relatives (parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, etc.)

Note: You cannot request the family register of siblings after they are removed from their parents' family register due to marriage, etc.

Issuance fee

Type of proof commission

Certificate of all family register matters (copy of family register)

450 yen

Certificate of complete removal from register (copy of removal from register)
Revised original family register copy

750 yen
Identification code for providing electronic family register certificate 400 yen
Identification code for providing electronic certificate of removal from register 700 yen

Note: The identification code for providing an electronic family register certificate and the identification code for providing an electronic certificate of removal from the register are (1) when requested at the same time as a family register certificate or removal certificate with the same content, (2) when requested via Mynaportal. , it will be free.

Available date and time

Opening hours: 8:30am to 4pm
Note: Wide-area deliveries are not available on days when the office is open on holidays.
Note: It takes time to issue a family register certificate for wide-area issuance. Please come with plenty of time. Depending on the situation of the family register, such as when requesting a family register that dates back to birth due to inheritance, the issuance may not be completed on the same day and you may have to come back the next day or later. Thank you for your understanding.

Notes on using wide area delivery

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Citizens Division, Citizens Division Phone: 042-378-2111