Inagi City

Subsidy for projects to develop the potential of the Tokyo metropolitan area

Last updated: March 25, 2024

Business overview

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government provides grants to support efforts (events, activities, etc.) to solve local issues sponsored by neighborhood associations and neighborhood associations, which are responsible for local activities. For details, please check the link below.

Target organization

Neighborhood associations and neighborhood associations located in Tokyo

Target business

It is an initiative (events, activities, etc.) sponsored by the neighborhood association/neighborhood association of the applicant organization to solve local issues through the participation and use of many local residents. Projects to be implemented and completed by March 31st
Note: Projects that are judged not to be in line with the purpose of the grant may be ineligible.

Business category Business example
A Initiatives to solve local issues
  • Intergenerational exchange events, local festivals, Bon dances
  • Create a pamphlet and use it to promote membership
B. Initiatives that will lead to the promotion of specific policies undertaken by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government  
  B-1 Disaster prevention/power saving activities Disaster prevention drills, training using disaster prevention manuals, power saving seminars
B-2 Child and youth development support Events that children plan and manage, work experience projects, nature experience classes, children's traffic safety classes
B-3 Monitoring activities for the elderly, etc. Watching over the elderly, watching over children on their way to and from school, childcare exchange salon, children's cafeteria
B-4 Crime Prevention Activities Crime prevention patrols, crime prevention seminars
B-5 Creating multicultural coexistence
  • Cross-cultural experiences and international exchange events
  • Creating a disaster prevention manual for foreigners and training using it
BS Initiatives that will lead to the promotion of specific measures that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government should take urgently  
  (1) Digital utilization support
  • Broadcasting neighborhood association events using online tools
  • Seminar on how to use digital devices such as smartphones and tablets
C. Initiatives to solve local issues jointly implemented by multiple local neighborhood associations
  • Evacuation center management training conducted jointly by two townships
  • 5 Neighborhood Association Sports Day
D Efforts to solve local issues carried out by a single neighborhood association/neighborhood association in collaboration with other local organizations (excluding neighborhood associations/neighborhood associations and local governments)
  • Regional exchange events in collaboration with shopping streets
  • Evacuation drills in cooperation with elderly care facilities
  • Work experience project in collaboration with local NPO

Target limit

Application period

Recruitment round Application period

Time of grant decision

Implementation period of projects that can be applied for

1st Reception period From March 1st (Friday) to March 8th (Friday) Early April Projects to be implemented after April 1st
Original submission deadline March 14th (Thursday) 5pm (must arrive)
2nd time Reception period From April 1st (Monday) to May 13th (Monday) Early July Projects to be carried out after July 10th
Original submission deadline May 31st (Friday) 5pm (must arrive)
3rd Reception period From June 3rd (Monday) to August 9th (Friday) Early October Projects to be implemented after October 10th
Original submission deadline August 30th (Friday) 5pm (must arrive)
4th Reception period From September 2nd (Monday) to October 18th (Friday) Early December Projects to be implemented after December 10th
Original submission deadline November 1st (Friday) 5pm (must arrive)

[Note] Each organization can apply only once within the year.
[Note] Please make a draft of the application documents and submit it during the application period before consulting in advance. After completing the preliminary consultation, please submit the original documents by the deadline.

Inquiries regarding business details

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Life, Culture and Sports, Citizen Life Department, Community Activities Promotion Division, Community Activities Support Section Phone: 03-5388-3166
Fax 03-5388-1331
Email address 

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City General Affairs Department General Affairs Contract Division Phone: 042-378-2111