Inagi City

Road self-financing application

Last updated: August 1, 2022

If you wish to modify the structure of the road, such as creating a new entry (undercutting) into the road managed by the city or removing the guardrail, you will have to obtain the approval of the city and carry out the construction at your own expense. .
Before applying for approval, be sure to consult with the city hall management section regarding the details of the construction and the construction method.

About procedures

1. Flow of application procedure

(1) Preliminary consultation Consultation on details of construction and construction methods ↓
(2) Based on the prior consultation, submit three copies of the road self-funded construction implementation approval application form (hereinafter referred to as the application form) to the city hall management section (city hall 3rd floor).
↓ (within 10 business days)
(3) Return two copies after adding conditions and affixing a confirmation seal.

(4) Submit two copies of the returned application form to the Traffic Control Section of the Tama Central Police Station.
↓ (It takes several days)
(5) One copy of the application form with comments from the police station will be returned.

(6) Resubmit the original application form returned from the police station and a copy of it to the Inagi City Office Administration Division.
↓ (within 5 business days)
(7) Issuance of approval for self-funded road construction

2. Required number of application documents

3 copies

3. Available date and time

From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. of open agency day

Four. About procedure period

Since you will be asked to submit an application with the opinions of the police station attached, please allow plenty of time for the application in anticipation of the number of days required for office work at the police station.

Five. Submission destination

2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo Inagi City Hall Urban Construction Department Management Section Management Section (City Hall 3F)

About creating an application form

1. application form

How to fill out the application form for road self-financing construction approval

(1) If the applicant is a corporation, enter the location of the main office in the "Address" column, the name and the name of the representative in the "Name" column, and fill in the "Person in charge" column. Please enter your name and affiliation.
(2) In the "Construction location" column, enter up to the lot number, and if the construction location spans two or more lot numbers, enter the start and end points.
(3) In the "Route name" column, please enter the Inagi city road certification number, etc.
(4) In the “Purpose of construction” column, please describe concretely. Also, please circle either (temporary or permanent).
(5) In the "Details of work" column, please specify the type of work, quantity, etc.
(6) In the "Construction period" column, enter the period during which the construction will be carried out.
(7) In the "Construction time" column, enter the construction time.
(8) In the "Contractor" column, enter the address, name, contact information, and person in charge of the contractor who will actually carry out the work.
In addition, please write the contact information that can be contacted even in an emergency.

2. Attached document

(1) Guide map (illustrating the application location)
(2) Floor plan Survey map of the current situation (illustration of application points and boundaries)
(3) Structural drawing A drawing that describes the structure of a structure, object or facility.
(4) Photograph of the current state of the application (must be attached)
(5) Others, such as those describing how to restore roads. 

Precautions for construction work

Submission of documents for construction work

Submission of notice of start

Before starting construction, please submit a "notification of start of road construction work".

Witnessing road restoration

If the road is excavated, we will ask you to prepare the affected area at the time of the main restoration, so please be sure to meet with the city and confirm the affected area.

Construction completion report

When the construction is completed, please submit a "Notice of Completion of Road Construction at Own Expense".

Extension of construction period

If you need to extend the construction period due to unavoidable circumstances, please apply for the extension of the construction period in advance.

Procedures for withdrawal

If you have received road self-expense construction execution approval, but do not work after that, please go through the procedure for withdrawal.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Management Section Telephone: 042-378-2111