Inagi City

Role of street trees

Last updated: January 10, 2014

Street trees have the following roles:

  1. Adds color and a sense of the season to the townscape, and improves roadside scenery.
  2. It protects pedestrians from the strong summer sun and helps to mitigate the heat island effect by suppressing the temperature rise in the surrounding area through the transpiration of the leaves.
  3. The leaves reduce carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and purify the air by adsorbing air pollutants.
  4. It separates vehicles from pedestrians and protects the safety of pedestrians.
  5. Reduces traffic noise.
  6. It stops the spread of roadside fires and prevents houses from collapsing during an earthquake.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Management Section Telephone: 042-378-2111