Inagi City

"Inagi City's lifelong learning administration" was introduced in a national magazine

Last updated: November 16, 2017

"Lifelong learning administration in Inagi City, Tokyo" was published in the magazine "International Cultural Training" (Autumn 2017 issue) of the training institute under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Image International cultural training cover
Available at major libraries nationwide

In February 2017, the "Special Feature" article of the bulletin "International Cultural Training" (Vol.97 Autumn issue) issued by the National Municipal Institute for International Culture The content of the member training session "From 'Ties' to 'Naiai' in lifelong learning administration in Inagi City, Tokyo" lecturer: Toshiyuki Shitamichi (Social Education Director) was disseminated nationwide. Inagi City is embodying "steady promotion of lifelong learning, such as the establishment and development of Inagi IC College, without increasing staff or budget." It was selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as a national model for efforts and ingenuity like Inagi City, where “continuation is power”.

For details, please refer to the websites of libraries nationwide and the Municipal Institute for International Culture (note: links provided), and the introductory article on Inagi City can be found on the city website (note: PDF download).

▽Inquiries: Lifelong Learning Division

☆ Inagi City's lifelong learning administration has received nationwide attention, especially since the formulation of the "Inagi City Lifelong Learning Promotion Plan" issued in 1996. Since fiscal 2013, after the formulation of the Learning Promotion Plan, I have also served as a lecturer at the "Social Education Director Training Seminar" (sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) every year.

Inquiries about this page

Lifelong Learning Division, Education Department, Inagi City Phone: 042-377-2121