Inagi City

Securing support beds for those receiving home medical care

Last updated: May 7, 2024

About Inagi City Home Medical Care Support Hospital Bed Securing Project

Inagi City has secured hospital beds for rapid admission in the event that at-home care becomes temporarily difficult (note), so that elderly people in need of care who are receiving medical care at home and their families can live safely in the community.
Please use this as a reference when considering using medical care at home, and please feel free to use it if you need it.

(Note) If you are in a condition that requires immediate call for an ambulance, such as loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, or physical convulsions, please call 119 instead of using this service.
In addition, if short-term admission under nursing care insurance is available, this will be given priority.


Those who meet both of the following criteria (1) and (2): (1) Those who live in the city and have been certified as needing assistance or nursing care, or elderly people equivalent to such people; (2) Those who are continuously receiving management and guidance from a doctor who provides medical care at home, or from a visiting nurse or other medical professional under the direction of a doctor.

Available hospital

Inagidai Hospital (3-7-1 Wakabadai) 1 bed

Usage procedure

(1) Please consult your family doctor or visiting nurse.
The patient's family doctor will check the patient's condition while receiving home medical care and make a request to the hospital by telephone.
(Individuals or their families cannot apply directly to the hospital.)
(2) After the patient's family doctor applies for admission to the hospital, the patient must submit the "Inagi City Home Medical Support Bed Application Form"
Please fill out the "Inagi City Home Medical Support Bed User Basic Information Sheet and ADL Chart" (Form No. 2) (you can have someone else fill it out) and submit it to the hospital when you are admitted.

How to obtain the application form

(1) Inagi City Hall Elderly Welfare Division Counter (City Hall 2nd Floor Counter 4)

(2) Regional Comprehensive Support Center

(3) Download from the link below

usage period

In principle, within 14 days from the date of admission. Note: If you continue to be hospitalized for treatment after being admitted under this program, please follow the hospital's instructions.

usage fee

Same as regular hospital stay.
If you use health insurance, etc., you will be responsible for the self-pay portion and expenses not covered by health insurance.
Transportation expenses related to hospitalization will also be borne by the user.
(Note) Please follow the instructions of the cooperating hospital regarding the beds you use.

Contact Information

Elderly Welfare Division, Community Support Section Tel: 042-378-2111 (ext. 228)

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111