Inagi City

Hearing in the elderly

Last updated: March 7, 2023

Hearing characteristics of the elderly

After the age of 20, hearing loss gradually begins. And as we get older, we lose the ability to hear high frequencies. Therefore, it is said that there is a tendency that it becomes difficult to hear the ringing sound of the phone or the sound of the thermometer, or that the whole sound is muffled and unclear.
In addition, sounds and words that are difficult for the elderly to hear are said to be the lines Pa, Ta, Ka, and Sa.
In this way, as people grow older and their hearing becomes weaker, it becomes difficult to communicate with people around them and it becomes difficult to perceive danger. may become less.

Hearing support for older people

By understanding the hearing characteristics of the elderly and slightly changing the way you speak, you can make it easier for the elderly to hear you. Let's try to talk like this.

  1. Speak slowly and clearly in a slightly louder voice than in a loud voice.
  2. Pronounce the Pa, Ta, Ka, and Sa lines clearly and clearly.
  3. At the beginning of the word (standup), put a lot of effort into it and speak longer.
  4. From the front, show the other person the movement of the mouth firmly and speak.

If you are worried about your hearing

We recommend that you consult an otolaryngologist or other specialist about your hearing and undergo the necessary interviews and examinations. Currently, there is no treatment to improve hearing that has deteriorated due to aging, and hearing aids are used to compensate for hearing loss. Consult with an otolaryngologist or other specialist regarding the use of hearing aids, and if necessary, have them select and adjust hearing aids (medical institutions) and their peripheral devices appropriately. If there are problems such as not being able to hear well or being too loud, ask them to make fine adjustments on an ongoing basis.

Hearing aid costs now eligible for medical expense deduction

From 2018, the purchase cost of hearing aids is eligible for medical expense deduction. You will need to consult a hearing aid doctor and submit the "Medical Information Statement on Hearing Aid Fitting (2018)". For more information, please consult a hearing aid consultation doctor or refer to the website of the Japan Otolaryngological Society.
Note: If you have a physical disability certificate, you may be able to receive payment for the purchase fee.

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111