Inagi City

Subsidies for special glasses, etc. associated with senile cataract surgery

Last updated: April 13, 2016

A partial subsidy for the purchase of special eyeglasses or contact lenses for those with senile cataracts whose vision can be restored by surgery but who cannot insert an artificial lens after surgery and need special eyeglasses or contact lenses. To do.

Target audience

(1) Persons aged 65 or over who have an address in the city (2) Persons whose income is below the following standard amount 0 dependent relatives: standard amount 2,572,000 yen 1 dependent relative: standard amount 3,050,002 yen 1,000 yen 2 dependent relatives: Standard amount 3,432,000 yen (3) Those who do not receive public assistance

What you need for your application

(1) Receipt from a medical institution stating the reason why the intraocular lens could not be inserted (2) Receipt for special glasses, etc. (3) Documents certifying the income status of the previous year Note: Application must be made on the day of surgery within one year from

Subsidy limit

Special glasses: 40,000 yen per pair Contact lenses: 25,000 yen per eye

Application method

Please fill in the application form in the Elderly Welfare Section, Elderly Welfare Section, and submit it.

Apply to

Elderly Welfare Section Elderly Welfare Section

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111