Inagi City

About the Inagi City Initial Dementia Intensive Support Promotion Project

Last updated: May 18, 2020

A dementia visit support team consisting of dementia specialists, medical, welfare and nursing care professionals (nurses, psychiatric social workers, occupational therapists), etc.

What will you do for me?

We will visit the homes of people with or suspected of having dementia to discuss their problems and concerns about dementia. On top of that, we will provide intensive initial support for dementia, including reducing the burden of nursing care on family members, such as consultations at hospitals and adjusting the use of various services according to the situation. (roughly 6 months)


People aged 40 or over who live at home, who are difficult to deal with due to symptoms of dementia, who are suspected of having dementia, or who have dementia.

For example, if you have trouble dealing with the following people, please contact us.
・The treatment for dementia has been interrupted ・The use of nursing care services is recommended, but progress is slow ・Dementia is suspected, but the person refuses to see a medical institution ・Dementia The symptoms of are strong and it is difficult to deal with

Those with symptoms such as those listed above are eligible.

Contact point for consultation

First of all, please feel free to contact the Regional Comprehensive Support Center.

Consultation with the Regional Comprehensive Support Center is free.
You can call us or visit us. The staff of the Regional Comprehensive Support Center can also visit your home.

We also publish a checklist for dementia awareness.

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111