Inagi City

Inagi City Elderly Watching Network Project

Last updated: November 16, 2021

To continue living with peace of mind in a familiar area

Inagi City is working on the "Elderly Watching Network Project" to watch over the elderly in the community so that they can continue to live with peace of mind in their familiar surroundings.
In this project, residents and business operators in the city report any abnormalities that they notice in their daily lives or work to the city hall or the Regional Comprehensive Support Center, which will lead to appropriate support such as confirmation of their safety. Thing.


in particular

In Inagi City, the number of elderly people living alone and households with only elderly people is increasing. Small changes in the elderly people living in the community are noticed by shops, financial institutions, people working in the city, and people living in the community who have opportunities to interact with the elderly on a daily basis.

With the cooperation of such people, the system to watch over the elderly is the "Senior Watching Network Project."

However, it is not a special request. We ask them to gently watch over the elderly in the community in their daily work and lives, and to contact the city or the Regional Comprehensive Support Center when they feel any change or abnormality.

For example when...

Private business operators who would like to cooperate

Private business operators (shops, financial institutions, offices working in the city, etc. (excluding nursing care providers)) who are doing business in the city.

Private business operators who can cooperate

 Please fill out the "Mimamori Network Consent Form" and contact the person in charge below. We accept applications for agreements at any time.

List of companies that have concluded agreements so far (honorifics abbreviated in alphabetical order)

Contracted businesses can also be viewed on the Google map below (Inagi City Elderly Watch Network Cooperating Businesses).

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111