Inagi City

Inagi City Nursing Care Support Volunteer Acceptance Group/Registration/Evaluation Point Grant Status

Last updated: February 28, 2024

Status of applications for designation as a receiving organization for care support volunteers

Activity content classification

  1. Guidance and participation support for recreation etc.
  2. Assisting with serving tea, serving food in the cafeteria, and serving food.
  3. Operational assistance for cafes, etc.
  4. Assistance with walking, going out, and moving around the facility
  5. Assistance with events such as food stalls, venue setup, assisting with user transportation, and performing arts shows
  6. person to talk to
  7. Minor and auxiliary activities performed with facility staff (e.g. mowing grass, sorting laundry, changing sheets, etc.)
  8. Others (e.g. taking out trash from elderly households, etc.)
Names of designated organizations, etc. (25 organizations in total) Targeted activities
Inagi City (Care prevention promotion project) 5
Inagi City Social Welfare Council (Fureai Center Business) 1、5、6、7、8
Pair Well Tamagawa all except 8
NPO corporation mutual support meetings (elderly dinner parties, etc.) 1、2、4、5、6、7
best life tama 1、3、4、5、6、7
Hirao-kai (Hirao-en) all except 8
Benevolent Society (Harmony Matsuba) all except 8
Inagien all except 8
Inagi Masakichien all except 8
NPO NPO Fureai Square Pawpaw Tree 1、3、5
Denmark Inn Wakabadai 1、2、4、5、6、7
Nichii Home Inagi 1、6、7
Aquamate Inagi Day Care Facility 1、2、4、5、6、7
Sonpo's House Inagi Yanoguchi 1、2、3、4、6
Inagi Judo Orthopedist Association Day Service 1、6、7
Hirao Bell Association 1、3、5
Yanokuchi Masakichien all except 8
Sonpo no Ie S Inagi Naganuma 1、3、4、6
Sonpo no Ie S Inagi 1、3、4、6、7
Small-scale multi-functional in-home care Minna no Ie/Inagi Naganuma Group home Minna no Ie/Inagi Naganuma 1、2、4、5、6、7
Inagi Care Center Soyokaze 1、2、5、6
Kantaiki Kaerie Hirao 1、4、6
Kosher Heim Hirao 1、4
Compass Walk Inagi 1

Registration status of nursing care support volunteers (as of March 31, 2020)

Number of registered care support volunteers  

925 people

Among the above registrants, number of new registrants in FY2020

6 people

Number of registrants listed above who have lost their qualifications (transfer etc.) (as of March 31, 2020)

190 people

Status of evaluation points given to nursing care support volunteers (as of March 31, 2020)

The evaluation points given according to activity results are as follows.

Evaluation points Total number granted in FY2020  

514,000 points: 179 people

1000 points: 27 people
2000 points: 71 people
3000 points: 23 people
4000 points: 14 people
5000 points: 44 people

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Welfare Department Elderly Welfare Division Tel: 042-378-2111