Inagi City

Notification regarding business management system

Last updated: July 31, 2024

Notification regarding business management system

Nursing care service providers are required to establish a business management system that complies with laws and regulations. The business management system that must be established is determined according to the number of designated or licensed business offices or facilities, and a notification form detailing the matters related to the establishment of the business management system must be submitted to the relevant government agency.

Where to submit

The place to submit the notification varies depending on the business establishment classification of the corporation.
Businesses that only provide community-based services (including preventive care) and whose business premises are located within the same city or town must notify the Mayor of Inagi City.

Where to submit
classification Where to submit
Businesses with offices located in the jurisdiction of three or more regional bureaus of health and welfare Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
Businesses with offices in two or more prefectures and in the jurisdiction of two or less regional bureaus of health and welfare Governor of the prefecture in which the business operator's principal office is located
Businesses whose designated offices are located only within the same core city Core city
Business operators who only provide community-based services (including preventive care) and whose offices are located within the same city, town, or village Mayor (Inagi City)
Business operators other than those mentioned above Prefectural Governor

Submission method and format

Submit to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Notification System for the Development of Business Management Systems"

In order to simplify and streamline administrative procedures, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has implemented an online application system. Please see the link below for details on how to apply.

Submit to Inagi City by mail or email

Form No. 1: Please submit this form if you are submitting a new notification to Inagi City regarding the establishment of a business management system or if there is a change in the notification category.
Form No. 2: Please submit this form if you have already submitted Form No. 1 to Inagi City and there are any changes to the information in the notification.

Mailing address: 2111 Higashinagumanuma, Inagi City, Postal Code 206-8601, Inagi City Welfare Department, Elderly Welfare Division, Nursing Care Insurance Section
Email address to submit to:
*Please attach the form as an electronic file and submit it by email.

Reference website (Country-related)

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Welfare Department Elderly Welfare Division Tel: 042-378-2111