Inagi City

Routine (statutory) individual immunization for children

Last updated: April 1, 2024

In order to prevent the outbreak and spread of infectious diseases, we carry out routine vaccinations (vaccination based on the Preventive Vaccinations Act).

From April 2024, the five-in-one (DPT-IPV-Hib) vaccine and the pediatric pneumococcal (15-valent) vaccine will become routine vaccinations.

The Hib vaccine and the quadrivalent (DPT-IPV) vaccine, which are administered from 2 months of age, will be changed to the pentavalent (DPT-IPV-Hib) vaccine. In addition, the pneumococcal vaccination for children will change from a 13-valent to a 15-valent.
Note: For details on each vaccination, please see below.

Pentavalent combination (DPT‐IPV‐Hib)

In the city, we refer to the vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, acute poliomyelitis (polio), tetanus and Hib infection as the "five-in-one vaccination."
Note: If you have already received the 4-in-1 vaccine or the Hib vaccine, you will continue to receive the 4-in-1 vaccine and the Hib vaccine. Please note that in principle, you cannot switch to the 5-in-1 vaccine midway through the vaccination program.

1st initial vaccination (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

1st booster vaccination

A pre-examination form for the pentavalent vaccine is enclosed with the individual notification (pre-examination form, etc.) sent to those born after February 2024. However, those born before January 2024 who have never received the quadrivalent vaccine or Hib vaccine can be vaccinated with the pentavalent vaccine. If you wish to receive the pentavalent vaccine, please bring your maternal and child health handbook to the health center. After checking your vaccination history, we will give you a pre-examination form, etc.

Rotavirus infection

There are two types of rotavirus vaccine. Please consult with a vaccination doctor and inoculate either vaccine for the required number of times.
Vaccine type rotarix RotaTec
Inoculation target 6 weeks 0 days to 24 weeks 0 days 6 weeks 0 days to 32 weeks 0 days
Number of inoculations Twice 3 times

Hib infection

Pneumococcal infection in children

Starting in April 2024, the conventional 13-valent vaccine (which provides protection against 13 types of pneumococcus) will be switched to a 15-valent vaccine (which provides protection against 15 types of pneumococcus), which has a wider range of protection.
If you are vaccinated after April 2024, you will be required to use the 15-valent vaccine. For the time being, you can also use the existing 13-valent vaccine. The efficacy and safety of the 15-valent vaccine when switching from the 13-valent to the 15-valent vaccine has been approved in the pharmaceutical review, so even if you started vaccination with the 13-valent vaccine, you can switch to the 15-valent vaccine.

Hepatitis B

Four types of mixture (DPT‐IPV)

In the city, we refer to the "vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, polio, and tetanus" as the "four-in-one vaccination."

1st initial vaccination (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

1st booster vaccination

Hemp and fushin mixture (MR)

1st term

2nd term


Japanese encephalitis

standard inoculation

1st period first time (1st time, 2nd time)

1st addition

2nd term

Inoculation of special measures

The Vaccination Enforcement Order and Vaccination Implementation Regulations were amended on May 20, 2011, and the legal vaccination age was expanded as follows to include those who missed the opportunity to be vaccinated due to the suspension of vaccination recommendations.
(1) Those born between June 1, 1995 and April 1, 2007, and who are under the age of 20.
Note: As of April 1, 2013, people born between April 1, 1995 and May 31, 1995 are now eligible to receive the vaccine.
(2) has now ended.
(2) Those born between April 2, 2007 and October 1, 2009, who have not completed the first round of Japanese encephalitis vaccination by March 31, 2010, and who are between 6 and 90 months of age, or 9 years or older but under 13 years of age.

Note : Pre-examination slips will be handed out at each medical institution or health center. Please be sure to bring your Maternal and Child Health Handbook with you.
For more information about Japanese encephalitis, please see Japanese encephalitis vaccination .

DT (mixture of two types)

human papillomavirus infection

From April 1, 2022, vaccination against human papillomavirus infection will switch to active recommendation. See here for details.

Note: For those born between April 2, 1997 and April 1, 2008 , even if they are over the eligible age, they can receive the vaccine at public expense until the end of March 2025 as a catch-up vaccination.

Place of inoculation

Vaccination dates, times, and availability of vaccines differ depending on each medical institution.
Note: Vaccines can be given at medical institutions in Hachioji, Machida, Hino, and Tama City, according to an agreement between the five Minamitama Health and Medical Area cities. For details, please refer to Routine Immunization for Children (When receiving at a medical institution in Hachioji, Machida, Hino, or Tama City) . If you wish to have the vaccination at another medical institution for reasons such as returning to your hometown, you will need to apply in advance, so please contact the Health Center.

Voluntary vaccination cost subsidy system for children who have lost immunity due to special reasons

As a treatment for the disease, the doctor has determined that immunity has disappeared due to special reasons such as undergoing bone marrow transplantation, and the effect of routine immunizations that have already been inoculated cannot be expected, and that revaccination can be expected to be effective in obtaining immunity. If you have been voluntarily re-inoculated, we will subsidize the vaccination cost.

Advance application is required. For details, please contact the Health Center.

Health Damage Relief System

If you need medical treatment at a medical institution or have a health hazard such as a hindrance to your daily life due to a side reaction caused by routine vaccination, you will receive benefits based on the Preventive Vaccination Act. can do.
Depending on the degree of health damage, etc., there are medical expenses, medical allowances, disability pensions, disability pensions, lump-sum death benefits, and funeral expenses, and the amounts stipulated by law are paid.
However, the causal relationship of whether the health damage was caused by vaccination or by another factor (such as an infectious disease that was mixed in before or after vaccination or another cause, etc.) , Laws, etc., will be reviewed by a national examination committee consisting of experts in each field, and if it is certified as being due to vaccination, you can receive benefits.
If you need to apply for benefits, please contact the doctor who examined you or the Inagi City Health Division.

Reference: Please see Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare " Vaccination Health Damage Relief System (external link)".

Inquiries about this page

Health Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-3421