Inagi City

Domestic endangered wild fauna and flora

Last updated: October 5, 2023

In January 2023, the Ministry of the Environment designated 15 additional species as domestic rare wild fauna and flora species based on the Act on the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, bringing the total to 442 species.
As a general rule, it is prohibited to capture, collect, or transfer individuals of domestic rare wild fauna and flora species based on the Species Conservation Act.
If you see illegal activities such as capturing, collecting, or transferring animals (e.g., listing them at auctions on the Internet), please contact the Ministry of the Environment.

Pamphlet on endangered wild animals and plants in Japan

For details, please see the Ministry of the Environment website.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Greenery and Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111