Inagi City

Baba family documents (Babakemonjo)

Last updated: June 27, 2017

Image Ancient documents of the Baba family
Baba family's ancient documents

The Baba family in Hirao has a collection of 50 ancient documents from the Edo period. The contents of the ancient documents include land survey records, legal documents related to boundary disputes, ofuregaki, village rules, and village maps, all of which date back to the Edo period. We have valuable historical materials that help us learn about the state of Hirao Village and the lives of farmers at the time. The ancient documents were created over a period of 239 years, from 1626 to 1865. The Village Water Book (Bushu Utsuzuki Gun Morooka no Shohira Omura no Mizucho) can be said to be the oldest early modern document in the city. Among the 50 ancient documents, we will introduce the most important basic historical materials. (The Baba family also preserves modern historical materials from the Meiji period onwards.)

Hirao Village, Morookasho, Tsuzuki District, Bushu (Baba family document 1)

Created in 1626, it is the oldest land survey book remaining in the city. The contents include famous places of the land (location names), rankings (Jouden, Chuden, Geden, etc.), and Tanbetsu. (Area of ​​one plot of land) and the name of the claimant (cultivator or holder of cultivation rights) are listed.

Sashidashi Muragatame Soumuraga Tameso Hyaku Shorenpan Issatsu (Baba Family Document 15)

Around the middle of the Edo period, there were many incidents where people illegally entered other people's forests and stole fallen leaves and underbrush in order to find sources of fertilizer. In response to this, village rules (muraokite) are established within villages, and the mutual monitoring system among farmers is strengthened. This historical material was created in the 14th year of the Horeki era (1764), and includes ``not only standing trees and fallen leaves adjacent to residential areas and fields, but also standing trees in forests and iriaiichi. The village law states that you must not cut down the leaves until they fall, and if you violate this, you will be subject to severe penalties.

Bushu Tsuzuki District Katahira Village Furusawa Village Yodo District Hirao Village

Villages in a certain area may share land such as mountains or forests, and this land is called iriaiichi. As agricultural productivity rose, so did its use, often leading to disputes. Disputes over membership sites also occurred in the villages of Inagi, but the most notable one was the boundary dispute between Hirao Village and the neighboring villages of Katahira and Furusawa, which is introduced in this historical document. A dispute arose over the use of fields in Hirao Village by the residents of Katahira and Furusawa. The tribunal confirmed the claims of both sides, investigated the relevant documents, and issued a ruling. The content of the plan was, ``Since the new border claimed by Hirao Village is not satisfactory, we will pass through two mounds that have existed since ancient times (Nyujozuka and Jusanzuka). The line shall be the boundary.From now on, residents of both Katahira and Furusawa villages are prohibited from joining the Hirao village field at all.'' This historical material, created in 1686, has a pictorial diagram showing the boundary line on the front side and a letter of judgment on the back side, which describes the content of the judgment. It is called ``Ezu''.

Illustrated Map of Hirao Village (Baba Family Documents 44, 50)

Two illustrations of the entire Hirao village remain. Although the year of creation is not recorded, it is thought to be a historical material belonging to the Edo period. Rice fields, fields, forests, houses, shrines and temples are depicted in detail.

Image "Water Book of Hirao Village, Morookasho, Tsuzuki District, Bushu"
“Water Book of Hirao Village, Morookasho, Tsuzuki District, Bushu”

Image ``Supplied village Kenme so peasants Renban one bill''
``Submitting one bill for a series of peasants in village Kenme''

Image "Illustration of Sanctions"
"Illustration of Jurisprudence" (drawing)

Image "Illustration of permission" (endorsement)
"Illustration of Jurisprudence" (endorsement)

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