Inagi City

Use IH cooking heaters correctly to prevent fires

Last updated: April 3, 2023

Are IH cooking heaters safe?

IH cooking heaters (hereinafter referred to as "IH") are safe products if used according to the instruction manual. However, there is a risk of fire if handled incorrectly.

Fire case

When a cardboard box was placed on the radiant heater (note) installed in the IH, the radiant heater switch was accidentally pressed, igniting the cardboard and causing a fire.

(Note) A radiant heater is not a magnetic force, but heat is transferred to the pot by heating the heater part, so the heater part gets hot. Therefore, it is possible to use non-metal pots such as aluminum, glass, and earthen pots, and the heating power is about the same as the medium heat of a gas stove.

Image IH cooking heater
IH cooking heater

Tips for using IH correctly and preventing fires

  1. Be careful not to put flammable items on or around the IH. In particular, IH with a radiant heater is dangerous because the radiant heater becomes hot during use.
  2. Do not leave the place unattended during heating and do not distract attention.
  3. Use IH-compatible frying pans and pots. If you use something that is not compatible with IH, the safety device sensor may not work.
  4. When frying food, use frying mode. Also, use the amount of oil written in the instruction manual. With small amounts of oil, rapid heating can reach ignition temperature before the safety sensor is triggered.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Fire Department, Prevention Division Phone: 042-377-7119